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Kathryn POV

Brandon and I are walking down stairs when we hear whistling throughout the crowd . "What the hell is going on here!?" I hear David approaching us . "Excuse me ?" I say with attitude looking at David. "Y'all hooking up now or what ?" He says with a discussed expression ."that's none of your concern ." I say with pride . "What about you Brandon . Do you have anything to say ? That your fucking my girlfriend behind my back ?.." he says getting close to Brandon . By Brandon's face expression and his jaw clenching i can tell he didn't like that . Luckily I step between them and push off David .

"I'm not your girlfriend , so don't go around telling everyone that. I'm done with you ,now you can go with Lindsay , see if i care " I say getting in his face. "Come on let's just go...Kat come on .." I feel Brandon tugging my arm . Right at that moment I see somebody hit Brandon's face . I duck my head behind my hands and get shoved behind Brandon. I look to see that Brandon and David are now punching each other. As small as i am i shove the boys apart and start yelling at David.

I don't exactly remember what happen after that but shortly after I feel someone hook their arm around my waist and lift me effortlessly. Next thing i know Brandon is covering his jaw with his hand and the other carrying me towards my car .

I don't know why but I feel exhausted and the liquor isn't helping . I'm placed into my car and and bring my legs up to my chest . Good thing i didn't wear a dress . "You hungry?" Brandon said to me ."yea... sure" I say just looking at the road hugging my knees. We pull into my favorite little restaurant . "What how do you know ?" I ask Brandon with a little chuckle .

"What ?..." he looks confused . "I just figured I'd take you here... it's one of my favorite places...if you want we can't lea-"
"NO no no no no ...I love it here" I say rushed . I enter the diner , Brandon right behind me . We get a booth in the back of the restaurant to avoid people . Not that it's packed at 12:30 at night .

We order our food and then we just start a conversation . It was nice . It sort of felt like a date . I mean we laughed , learned more about each other . Exchanged information , like our social media and numbers. I couldn't resist not staring into them eyes .

I hope they're more days like this . With just me and him . But honestly I don't think I have the time . I know i barley met him like three hours ago but I wouldn't mind spending more time with him. I mean who knows he could be good for me . What the hell am i thinking . I need to get out of this little fantasy of mine and come to reality . I hate to judge him but he showed up with David ... hopefully hes nothing like him. I'd just like to be friends. 

We finish our food and get back in the car and just sit there . For a good 10 minutes realizing what happen tonight .

"Okay so where off to next ?..." Brandon interrupts my thoughts . "Let me drive..." I say . "What no ... you've been drinking ... " he says with a weird face . "..and it's my car now let me drive ... I can handle myself" I say cockily while undoing my seat belt. "...okay..." he simply says. 

I start driving and I'm almost fully sobered up by now . I turn to look at Brandon and i see he's falling asleep . "Brandon ?..."I question . "yea?.." he mumbled. "where are you staying tonight ? .." i question him once more . "SHIT .... " he fully wakes up and grabs his phone . "WHAT THE FUCK ... I'M DRIVING DON'T DO THAT ." I harshly say because he scared the life out of me . "Sorry she's just going to be so worried" he sounds worried dialing someone's number.

I look at his phone and it say "baby <3" .

I literally slam the brakes . "YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND ?" I'm beyond pissed . " he looks at me worried ."listen ...i-" he starts .

"Where do I leave you .." I stay calm .

stay calm.stay calm.stay calm.stay calm.

 "Kat..." he says softly as if he would break me if he spoke louder . "I don't want to hear it ... where can I drop you off ..." I said coldly . "I don't know ...maybe I can crash at your place for the nig-" he begins . "ABSOLUTELY NOT !" I snap at him . 

"I'll just drop you off at the party ... work your way from there ." I start to drive again .

I literally can't believe some people . Ugh I just wanna go home and ... cry . Tonight was to much drama and although he was there with me , he has a girl friend.

I get to the party and stop the car . Not fully parking because I just want to leave. " you can get out know Brandon.." i say looking forward . Not wanting to look at him ."Kat please just let me expl-" he pleases . "BRANDON GET OUT OF MY CAR . I DON'T NEED YOUR LYING EXPLANATION . I DON'T CARE ....GET OUT" I'm in tears now . He just looks at me .

I wipe my tears and reach over to open his door . "Bye Brandon.....you know .....I thought you were kind.... I was wrong...your're no better than David" I say as he gets out the car . As soon as he's standing I start to drive off slowly causing him to close the door for I can just get home .

I finally get home .  I take off my shoes and clothes and get in the bath . I live alone so i just sit in my tub thinking and thinking about various things that are going wrong while listening to my music throughout the apartment. 

Soon after I finish my bath and put on my a big shirt and underwear. I went to the kitchen and usually by this time I get midnight munchies . I grab a bowl and gather all my supplies I'll be needing .

Milk , check . Cereal , check . Spoon , check . Bowl , check . Right before I was going to sit down I hear a knock at the door .

I look through the peep hole and what the hell . I open the door "What the hell are you doing here ?" I say . "Um..." Brandon smiles . "Get in.." I roll my eyes and invite him in.

Beautifully PainfulDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora