Chapt. 1: Getting to know me

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Blood.... there was blood everywhere; on my face, hands and on my black spandex suit. Who am I might you ask? I am the one, the only Ellanae Mya Rodriquez (on the side >>>>), and guess who I just killed. HeeHee.... Noah Perez ( he is priinceton's little cousin but pretend he is like 21 in this). He is the cousin of Jacob Perez. I hate him. I know it's a strong word, but it's true. His father killed my parents, and I didn't have anyone to go to. I decided to run away from Georgia. So I took the stash of money that my parents kept in the closet on the top shelf..... and left to L.A. I was just 10 years old, but very smart. I stayed at a motel for the time beign. Soon, the money finnished and I was left with nothing but my suitcases full of clean and dirty clothes. I roamed the L.A streets with my suitcases in hand at all times. ......What?? I have good clothes you know. Anywayzzz..... one day, I was walking along the pavement again, then all of a sudden, an all black Escalade, with black tinted windows pulled up beside me and the windows rolled down. Inside was a light skinned, mixed looking guy with a scar across his face under his right eye. He then said, "Hey little lady, you look like you need a place to stay, and it looks like you need some food too. I can take you in." "No thanks", I then replied. "C'mmon, i'll treat you like my own daughter.... give you anything you want" At that moment, I didn't have any other choice, so I hopped into his car and he drove off. He stopped at this BIG house, and I was like :O. I was totally in awe. He brought me inside, gave me something to eat and a bedroom to sleep. I told him everything that happened. He told me his name was Carlos, but told me to call him Bucks.

 Throughout the years, he kept his word. He treated me like I was his own. He put me in school, taught me about boys n' stuff, and he even helped me when I first saw my period; weird right?  He also taught me one thing I've been doing since the age of 13..... assassinating.He taught me everything he knew. He also brought home 5 other girls; Jade-Alexis, Abigail, Leona, Chennelle and Amy. At first we didn't really get along, but as we grew up, we got mature and eventually stopped arguing about foolishness. We became the bestest of friends. We were like sisters; we had our ups and downs but overall we were inseperable. And also considering the fact that we lived together, we call each other sisters. He trained them also. We first started killing when we were 16 &17. We have a rival gang; Anthony Perez.... the man who killed my parents (idk I think he was in some feud with my mom and dad), his son Jacob Perez is their leader, has been since his father died from pancreatic cancer. Now I wanna get my revenge, but since his father died 2 years ago, there's gonna be a change of plans.... I'm   gonna kill Jacob Perez. I've never seen him before, but I know everything about him..... I got my links. So I decided to get to him by the members in his gang. Once i get my info.... it's BANG! BANG! BANG! straight to the head. I kill them because I don't want them to go back and rat about me. That's just how life is. Well now im 17.... and thats why i'm standing here in front of his cousin- him dead- with blood all over me. Welp, that's my story, all I know now is that revenge is gonna be sweet. *smirks evilly*

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