Chapter 3

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Once the two lovers entered the fair, Misaki was quick to drag Usagi to the game booths. The older had been to many fairs when he was younger, and knowing Misaki had never been to one, he decided to let the kitten do whatever he wanted. They both played several games, Misaki unsuccessful in all of them. Akihiko wasn't much better, but he managed to win one game and gave his small prize teddy bear to Misaki.

"Here, now you can have your own Suzuki-San," Akihiko smiled at Misaki.

"But he is most definitely not replacing me for cuddling," the author then added sternly as an afterthought.

Misaki bursted out laughing at Akihiko's seriousness, clutching the bear to his chest tightly. Usagi was crazy enough to be jealous of a teddy bear. Misaki often wondered how he could love a man such as Usagi, but all he knew was that it was completely unconditional. He didn't know what he would do without the moody writer in his life.

The two then walked around for a bit, Misaki wanting to take in all the scenery of the fair. He would occasionally point something out to Akihiko that he thought was cool. The author never looked at what he was pointing at, though. All he focused on was the joy and wonder sparkling in Misaki's big eyes every time he spotted something he liked. If Misaki had been focusing on Akihiko's eyes as well, he would find nothing but love and gratitude for the younger swirling in the violet orbs.

After eating a bunch of fair food and riding just about every ride, Misaki dragged Usagi to the line for the Ferris wheel. Several hours had passed since they had gotten to the fair, and Misaki knew it would start getting dark soon. He had wanted to save the Ferris wheel for last, so they could watch the sunset together on the ride. Usagi may have been a boys love novelist, but he wasn't the only romantic thinker of the two.

The line was somewhat long, because apparently a lot of people had the same idea as Misaki. He let out a small sigh even though the sign said it was only a fifteen minute wait. The author smiled at his small lover's impatience and wrapped his arms around the boy's shoulders from behind. Misaki stiffened up slightly, but relaxed almost immediately after, knowing it was Usagi holding him. As they were standing there someone got in line behind them. Neither paid any attention to whomever it was until the man spoke.

"Misaki, is that you?" the voice made Misaki turn around quickly, making Usagi's arms fall from his shoulders.

"I-Ijuuin?" Misaki gasped.

A large grin broke out on the man's face when Misaki said his name. The smile would make anyone believe he was the kindest person on the planet, but it gave Akihiko a very uneasy feeling. Who was this man and how did he know Misaki?

"It is you! It's been so long, how are you?" he asked politely.

"U-Um good, I'm good... How are you?" Misaki replied awkwardly.

"I'm okay," Ijuuin replied.

Misaki was about to turn back around when Ijuuin spoke up again.

"I've missed you, though."

Misaki's eyes widened considerably and he just coughed, not really knowing what to say. Ijuuin lifted his arm up, and it looked as though he was going to touch Misaki's face. It was then Akihiko finally decided to jump into the conversation, pushing Ijuuin's arm down in the process.

"Who exactly are you?" he asked.

"I'm Misaki's ex, and who might you be?" Ijuuin responded smoothly.

"Well I'm his current lover, so I would appreciate it if you stopped making my boyfriend feel uncomfortable," Akihiko replied sharply.

The author wrapped an arm around his neko's waist, letting the boy nuzzle his head in his chest slightly. Ijuuin eyed the two, keeping his calm on the outside as if they didn't bother him. On the inside, though, he was exploding with rage at the sight of someone else touching his Misaki. They may have broken up almost year ago, but Ijuuin was still deeply in love with the younger boy.

Misaki and Ijuuin had been a normal, happy couple for almost two full years. Ijuuin had been the first person Misaki met to not care about the younger being a neko. They became close friends and gradually fell in love. They would always plan their future lives together whenever they talked. In their minds two years ago, they were going to get married, adopt kids, and grow old together. That all changed, though, when Ijuuin had to move to America to pursue his dream of writing comics. He didn't want to write Japanese-style manga. He wanted to write comics like Marvel and DC, and he had been offered a job in America.

Ijuuin wanted to keep his and Misaki's relationship long-distance, but Misaki wasn't so keen on the idea. He wanted a relationship with someone close to him, not with someone through a screen. Misaki broke up with Ijuuin the night before the writer's flight was scheduled to leave for America.

Ijuuin left for America and stayed there for a few months, before realizing he hated it there. He still wanted to write comics, but he decided he wanted to do it in his home country. Just because he lived in Japan didn't mean he had to write manga. Everyone needed a little change sometimes, and maybe Japan would grow to love his comic style. The writer had just returned to Japan a month ago, and the first thing on his mind was Misaki. He wanted to find his old lover and win him back.

Seeing Misaki and his new lover now, made Ijuuin even angrier that he chose America over his love all those months ago. If he had just stayed he and Misaki could have still been together. But instead Misaki had met this man and had somehow fallen in love with him. That wasn't going to stop Ijuuin, though. He was going to fight for his Misaki no matter what.

"Well, looks like it's your turn to get on. I hope we'll be seeing each other again soon, Misaki," Ijuuin smirked, waving as they entered the small Ferris wheel car.

Misaki and Usagi sat down in their seat and pulled the bar down in front of them. Usagi then pulled Misaki over so the kitten was leaning against him comfortably. As they started to ascend slowly Usagi felt Misaki relax against him, letting out a small sigh of relief.

That was the first time Misaki had seen Ijuuin since the day they broke up, and it was much more awkward than he would've ever thought. The neko was over his ex, but it was obvious Ijuuin still had feelings for Misaki. Misaki just hoped Ijuuin wouldn't do anything to try to break up his relationship with Akihiko.

Once they reached the top of the Ferris wheel, it stopped. It was then the sun started to set and the two lovers had the perfect view. It was about as cliche as it could get, but they both loved it. Misaki was completely entranced by the captivating sunset, and Akihiko was content watching the neko next to him.

"It's so beautiful!" Misaki exclaimed, referring to the sunset.

"Yes, but it's nothing compared to you, Misaki," the author leaned in and whispered in Misaki's ear.

Misaki felt the blush rise up to his neck and cheeks as he turned to face his love. He slapped Usagi's arm lightly for saying such sappy things, although the older man knew he secretly enjoyed it. Usagi smiled and pulled Misaki even closer to him, wrapping both arms around him tightly.

"Forget about that Ijuuin man. You're mine now and forever. I never intend on letting you go, my love," Akihiko said softly.

Misaki was overcome with the sudden urge to burst into tears. Instead, he looked up at the man next to him, grabbed his face, and pulled him down for a passionate kiss. Akihiko was surprised to say the least, beings he was usually the one taking lead in these things. He was happy overall, though, and kissed Misaki with as much love as the younger was. Their lips and tongues moved together in perfect sync for what seemed like forever until they had to break apart for air.

Once their kiss was broken, perfectly timed, the Ferris wheel started to move again and they were slowly descending to the ground. The two got off the ride, Misaki just a bit dazed from the amazing kiss only moments ago, and made their way toward the fair's exit. They had been at the fair for hours, and agreed that it was time to go home.

Akihiko and Misaki left the fair before they could see the fireworks show, but they both knew they could set off their own fireworks in a different way when they got home.

Ok hiii yeah so I hope this chapter was okay! I honestly felt like it was kinda short and not the best but I really wanted to update since it's been like a month since the last one.

There will be more drama coming up now that Ijuuin is in the picture though so look forward to that! (;

Thanks so much for reading hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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