Chapter III

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Chapter III

So, what do you think of this story so far?
Any suggestions from you lot would be greatly appreciated.
Ps. Everyone of you guys are awesome
Big thanks to these guys who have followed me from the start, they all have awesome stories:
You guys have the best stories I have ever read on this website and you each deserve 100000x the support you get at this point in time.
Now, let's begin!
P.O.V Lady Artemis

I walked out of the hall after finding an excuse to leave my fathers decade long speech. My well trained eyes noted the arrow in the door and the note. Reading the note, then looking at the arrow, I smirked. After reading the note, I headed for the target range. Coming within about a hundred metres of the target range, 8 gun-shots rang out, making me jump, believe me, not many things startle a hunting Goddess, but this did. Wary, I reached for my bow, when I heard a click of a hammer being pulled back on an old fashioned revolver, and a voice saying from behind;
"Don't lower your guard, milady, danger is everywhere." Alex, I identified the voice as. I relaxed as the hammer was  pushed back and the gun was disarmed. As I turned to face him, I saw him holding a revolver with silver streams wrapping the gun.
"Been practicing?" I raised an eyebrow whilst saying this.
"Yes." He responded, about to put the gun away, when I raised my hand and held my hand out, questioningly.
He seemed to understand and handed me the gun, hilt first. I grasped it before crying out in surprise and pain, causing me to drop the weapon. I shook my burning hand in the air, whilst he picked up the weapon, unharmed by it.
"Chaos silver, milady, not good to Godly flesh I presume?"
"Your correct, and stop calling me 'Milady', just Artemis please."
"Of course, Lad-Artemis. Just one thing you should know, the gun is loaded with Chaos silver bullets." That part made me shiver, great, I had someone who could easily kill me beside me. "And it doesn't have to reload." Aaaand I was about to pass out...
"Artemis? Lady Artemis?" He frowned, waving his hand in front of my eyes.
I shook my head, looking at his eyes... 'Gods, he has beautiful dark eyes, how did I not notice that before..... Shut up Artemis, you are a maiden Goddess! Your place is not to be checking out hot boys!..... Yeah... Sooooo hot... 😌😌 STOP IT!! YOU ARE A MAIDEN GODDESS!!!!"
He looked looked at me catching my gaze and we both turned away instantly, blushing. He snapped his fingers and Olympus faded in black flames, a wooded area appearing  as the flames faded, leaving me disoriented.
"Wha-? Who-?" I looked at Alexandr who was leaning against a tree, hiding in the shade. "Teleportation? Really?" I asked him, flabbergasted. He smiled for the first time since I had known him and mouthed 'Shhh'. I could understand that, the Olympians didn't like non-Gods being able to teleport, understandably. He thumbed toward the clearing behind him, towards a camp with silver tents, 'The Hunters' I though, before flashing myself forward into the camp, leaving Alex behind.
The hunters were good, they trained their weapons on me, but lowered them as they saw me, then bowed to me. I smiled  and explained about the new hunter, drawing inquisitive looks from the girls.
"Who is this?" Thalia, my lieutenant, asked
I opened my mouth but a gunshot cut me off, a strand of Thalia's hair falling in front of her face, to the ground, causing the hunters jaws to fall to the floor, even impressing me.
"Hey Pinecone face, miss me?" A familiar voice taunted her.

Hope you enjoyed another chap
Words: 650

-Au Revoir

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