Chapter 3-the after mourn

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As the early morning sun rose, people started to arrive, all meeting and greeting each other. Everyone handed Tim(the dad) the gifts.

Nearly everyone tried to cheer Tom up and he knew they meant well, although inside he was fading. Tom was starting to think life was just a game of torture. His negative thoughts worsened the matter of Katia's death.

As the Hearse finally pulled up after what felt like an eternity. The men gracefully stepped out onto the wet tarmac. It had been raining that night and had now cleared and left behind it trails of thick unwanted fog. The men carried the maroon coffin carefully inside the Church making sure not to drop it.

As everyone slowly, lifelessly walked in Tom studied the church.It was beautiful and spacious. Down the centre from the door to the stand where the vicar read, was a scarlet red silk carpet. Either side of the carpet was touching the rows of shining benches. Each row had around 15 amber cushions that gleamed in the sun they helped add to the colours of the church. There were 20 row's on each side. Everyone just had space to sit down

Once everyone had sat down the vicar started.

This took around one hour but as everyone walked out they knew it hadn't ended, the men carrying the coffin walked over to a rectangular shaped hole. Above was the usual pentagon shaped stone that read Katia Jones, her birth - death date and compliments of kindness engraved on it. Everyone watched as the coffin slowly lowered to the bottom of the hole. It was at this point that the mournful, sad tears arose.

Tom didn't feel right. Inside he felt like something else was going to happen, something sinister. By now everyone had left and he was standing outside kneeling upon his innocent mothers grave. Something about this moment made Tom feel uneasy. He stood up to look around.... Suspicious men where slowly circling round the burial, starting from far then inching closer every now and then. Tom could just make out there appearances, the man to the left of him was tall and lean, he was wearing a long beige coat that you would imagine a detective would wear. He had thin smart looking sunglasses, even though it wasn't sunny, and last but not least a short but very upright clump of hair. The man to the right of him was closer, so his appearance was easier to make out. He was tall as he was wide and wearing tight fitting jet black trousers. His shirt was revealing his belly making him look not as smart as he wanted, over the top he was wearing a thick yet unattractive dark green blazer. As the two men met in the middle the proceeded to walk behind the church. Tom followed behind making sure to keep a distance so suspicion didn't cross their mind. He walked away from the grave, slowly approaching the two men, keeping them just in sight. They took a left then.....
"Hey, Tom I'm your Dad's friend would you mind giving this gift to him?" He lost sight of them as a small man handed him a parcel.
"Sure," Tom said trying to rush the scene. The man walked off, Tom placed the box down and ran after the two men but by then they were out of sight. So Tom rounded his family up and they set of home but he had forgotten the box.........

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2016 ⏰

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