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Brads pov,

I don't know what it is about her, but she's somehow different. Her face looks beautiful without make up, her blonde hair falling perfectly by her face. I don't know why I've not seen her before, maybe our paths just haven't crossed yet. Somehow I'm glad they now have.

I don't believe in love at first sight, but there's just something there. Yes I've brought girls home before but that was to get them into bed. I didn't feel that with her.

Maybe it's because she was attacked, or it's just because she deserves the best. Either way I wasn't going to be a dick to her, not that I am anyway. I realise I've been admiring her for too long and get up, stretching and making my way to my ensuite. Once I've showered and sorted myself out I walk back out with just a towel around myself.

As I walk out I catch her looking at me, travelling from my torso to my eyes, then looking away and blushing. She's cute alright.

"Take a picture babe it'll last longer," I chuckle and go to my wardrobe.

"Not worthy of a picture," she smirks at me, fair play Phoebe.

"Well that hurt," I stick my tongue out as I get my clothes and walk back into the ensuite. I change and sort out my hair, making sure it's presentable for today. Not going to lie, I probably take more time getting my hair ready than most girls. It could take me hours if I wanted.

"Take so long in there," Phoebe knocks on the door.

"Perfection takes time babe," I don't know what it is with the whole babe thing, I think it annoys her.

"Uggghhh," she rages then walks from the door. When I walk out she's on her phone on my bed.

"Well it's free if you want to go in," I let her know.

"It's okaii," she smiles. What? "I just wanted company," she giggles.

"So you were just winding me up? Damn it Phoebe I rushed my hair for you," I roll my eyes making her giggle even more.

"You can definitely tell that it's been rushed," she bites her lip and burst out laughing. I feel attacked in my own home in my own bedroom.

"You're mean," I pout.

"Probably, but seriously thanks for letting me stay," she smiles.

"It's fine, need me to drop you home? I'm on my way to the studio," I offer and she looks like she's debating with herself.

"If you wouldn't mind..." She tells me.

🌸sorry it's been ages so busy!🌸

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