Isaac Preferences: Part 5-8

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Hey Guys! Sorry I havn't updated in so long. I have been really busy, school and stuff. Im sooooo sorry though. Anyways, i was thinking of writing some story, I dont really know what to write or how to start it at this point, but I will keep you guys updated. Well, here is #5-8 of Isaac's preferences. Enjoy

5. When you're in Public:

When you're in public, Isaac is very quiet. He only focuses on you and what your doing. He will always hold your hand, and give you a sweet kiss on the cheek. He will do whatever you feel like doing. He is very overprotective and If any man looks at you in any way he doesn't like he will stare daggers into them.

6. What he's like:

Isaac is like your peronal pillow in a way. He is such a softie, but in some situations, he will be this giant scary that super protective. He will do anything you want and never hurts you. He follows you around like his life depends on it. he will and does do anything he can to mak eyou hapy and feel special.

7. Your first Date:

Isaac comes knocking at your door with a cheesy grin when you open it. "What are you doing here!?" you ask. "Were going on a date!" he chirps, "In your living room!" You stifle a laugh, "What do you me-AHH!" As he sweeps you up off your feet and walks you into the living room sits you on the couch.

After about 20 minutes of him in the kitchen making all sorts of obnoxious noises, you getup from your spot and walk in with him. "Noooo! Out Out Out!" he yells as he shoos you back onto the couch. After about 20 more minuts he comes back in with a tray with hot cocoa and cookies on it, and a big bowl of popcorm. "Movie Time!" He yells, as you guys sit and snack for a while until you both slowly drift to sleep.

8. Your fisrt kiss:

You and Isaac walk into the school dance. After an hour or so of dancing, you walk to a table with your friends. "Truth or dare?" somebody asks Isaac, "Dare," He answers. "I dare you to kiss ___." He gives you a toothy grin, stands up and walks over to where your standing. He grabs your chin, leans in, and kisses you softly on the lips.












Well, I hope you guys enjoyed those four. I will be adding at least four or five more, I forgot how many chapters I previously made before I officially add Isaac in. Again, I hope you guys enjoyed! I'll update asap! Love you!

Goal --> 100 votes!

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