Chapter Four: My Dad Completely Rocks My World

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Hey! Okay, I just want to say I am so sorry this took so long. It's been almost a month and that is unacceptable, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't give excuses – the truth is I kept putting it off, saying "this weekend I'll write" and then never writing because I was exhausted and fed up with school and cross-country and everything ugh, but honestly, I feel super bad. I promise I'll try and make the next upload loads sooner! I'm so sorry! Please enjoy this, though.

Gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Four

My Dad Completely Rocks My World

"I can't BELIEVE it!"

I jumped as a loud voice rang out behind us. Molly and I were chilling on the couch that was on one wall of the Sub-six room, waiting for updates. She had called her sister Maria and her mom and explained what had happened. Maria had said she was going to come down to Chicago ASAP, which Molly said was ridiculous and I didn't understand, though I was pleased that she was. Kate was still trying to contact us but Molly said not to talk to her again yet.

Now, as the voice came from behind, Molly didn't react to the sudden explosion of noise, just turned to look at the door as Chris came sprinting in with hair all in his eyes and a huge grin spreading across his face. He looked loads younger than the twenty-one years Molly had informed that he was.

"What can't you believe?" asked Molly in a grumpy voice. She was probably still annoyed at Jer for not telling her what the Alley Cat wanted from the CIA. Chris, on the other hand, looked positively ecstatic.

"You're not going to believe it," he gasped, actually clutching a stitch in his side. Clearly he had sprinted the entire way from Jer's office to Sub-six.

"You'd be surprised what I believe now," I commented with a dry look at Molly, who grinned a little guiltily.

"No – no – this is incredible!"

Molly glared at him. "Are you going to tell us or what?"

Chris took a deep breath. "We get to go to a Hard As Nails concert!"

"A what?" I said blankly, but Molly leaped to her feet with a scream, staring at Chris as if he had just announced Barack Obama had left office.

"You're kidding!" she squealed, and when Chris shook his head with that grin widening even more, she screamed again. "Hard As Nails! Jer never lets us go to those concerts! I can't believe it!"

Chris looked smug. "I told you."

"Hold up." I was struggling to keep up. "What on earth is Hard As Nails?"

"She doesn't know Hard As Nails?" said Chris in a hushed voice.

Molly was grinning like a maniac; the only other time I had seen her this excited in a geeky way was when Kate and I surprised her with Taylor Swift tickets. "Hard As Nails is one of the best bands ever! They play, like, All Time Low type of music, except they're older guys, but they're so good! They're the favorite of us here at the CIA – I can't believe Jer is letting us go see them..."

"What the hell does a punk band have to do with Christina's kidnapping?" I demanded, beginning to think things were getting out of hand.

"Everything!" Chris stared at me as if I were psycho. "Are you crazy?"

"I'm sorry that I haven't been in the know since age two," I said irritably. "Kindly remember that I only figured out Jer and Molly were in the CIA this morning. What happened to that guy with the gun, anyway?" I added as I thought back to that morning, which could easily have been three years before.

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