The Meet Up

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Hiii! ;) Since it's our semestral break, I took my time just to update this chap for you guys.

This chappy is dedicated to: @SuperAnexa thanks for  being so giddy about my story. It makes me want to update more often. :D xx

You will be meeting some of the characters real soon. Enjooooy! ;)


Nicole's POV

Hey, there. I'm Nicole Allison, 26 years old and the executive manager of Ladien Corp. It deals about the latest gadgets, how it works, if it's safe to use. Well, something like that. ^^

Anyway, I'm on my way down to the ground floor to have my lunch break. My stomach is churning, kinda hungry already. Oopsies! I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I went over to the elevator and press the down button. As you can see, we are on the 12th floor of our building. Yeah, a loooooong looooong way down -,-


The elevator door opened just in time for me to see a blonde hair boy.

"Hey." I said, greeting him.

"Oh." He look surprised but then composed himself. "I was just about to surprise you, guess I was the one getting a surprise." He said grinning from ear to ear.

I giggled at his cute funny Irish accent. "Come on, I'm hungry." pulling him inside the elevator again.

"Where to milady?" I giggled as he playful bowed down infront of me.

"To the ground floor, sire." imitating his accent.

He clicked the ground floor button and we waited until we reach it. We heard the sound, signaling us that we have reached the ground floor lobby.

"Here we are milady." he said helping me out of the elevator.

"Stop it Niall." I snickered.

"What?" he said innocently as he led me towards  his car and help get inside.

"I'm not a princess, you don't have to do that." I said as we settled inside his car.

"Yes, you are. You are my princess." he said, winking at me.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes at him, hiding the giddiness I'm feeling.

We drove over to Andy's, one of our favorite lunch place. It's not very popular so it's not very crowded. It's only a 15-minute drive so it didn't took us a long time. Niall parked the car and we went inside the store. 

"Good Morning my little friends." Andy greeted us enthusiastically. 

"Good Morning Andy. How are you?" I giggled. 

"Same ol' me." Andy winked at us. "Same menu, I presume?" 

"Yes, Andy. Thanks." Niall grinned as Andy suddenly disappeared to the kitchen.

"So, what's up?" I ask the Irish blonde boy infront of me. 

"Hm?" a little bit puzzled. 

"You said, you were suppose to surprise me, remember?" 

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