On the run home, I analyze all the possible hiding places for my chest. In the flame. That could mean in the fire place. It seems outlandish, but its the only conclusion I've drawn. My blood lust seems to climb, because without even meaning to, I accelerate into a sprint, kicking the tar road behind me. I round the road to my house and tred down the drive, holding my hands out to 'high five' the bushes lining the edge of the wooden fence.
I jump the fence for the third time today, but instead of propelling myself straight over it, I jump about a meter in front of it, and land standing on the pickets. I jump as hard as I can, do a forward flip, then plant my feet firmly on the ground.
It hit the ground running, and jump to the first step. I put my hand on the top step, while still standing, and kick my feet off the ground. I'm now doing a handstand on the top step. I kick my feet all the way around, and curl upright with my back muscles.
I love being an alien with super strength. I open the door slowly, quietly, as to not awaken Lola.
I am Number Twelve
Khoa học viễn tưởngWe were sent from Lorein's sister planet, Aquillia. Our great leader, Pitticus Lore's brother, Ptolemy Lore, cast a charm on 15 children. These children are only able to be killed in order, they have special abilites, called Legacies. I am one of th...