Janara went home to get ready for the dance. She could not stop thinking about the dowser Advi. He was attractive in an intense sort of way.
The way he stood you knew he was military and his built shown his years of physical work. Broad shoulder, hands thick and strong looking. Like if he held you, you would be fully enveloped.
Janara stripped and stepped into the shower. She caught a glimpse of her body in the mirror and she would not be able to explain all the scares she held. Especially the one that ran from under her right breast to her hip. Maybe it wouldn't be such a good idea to scratch that itch with dowser. He would ask to many questions and get suspicious about her past.
She decided to keep everything at arms length. But it was becoming harder for her to do that. She stepped out of the shower and toweled off, just to be jostled into reality be her alarm system she set up in her place. No one but her could hear it.
She ran to her bedroom where she held her computer. The screen flashed danger. "What kind of danger Mira?" She flashed bounty hunter. Then the computer showed the face of Gruden Marx's.
Gruden Marx is the one that gave her that long scare she carries on her body and she sure as hell not going to get another one.
Janara first impulse was to run but she couldn't while Gruden was here. He knew what her ship looked like, since it used to be his. She ripped out the tracking mod. He had to be here looking for someone else. There is no way in this whole wide galaxy that he was looking for her.
Janara went and sat on her bed, with her hair still dripping. "Why are you here Gruden?" She said out loud. Then Mira her computer responded. "New bounty on this planet."
"Mira do I have a bounty on my head anywhere this system?" Janara waited for the answer.
"The closest system that your bounty is being held is in the Winock system. Approximately two light years away."
Janara laid back on her bed and relaxed. He didn't even know she was here and she is going to keep it that way.
Gruden Marx is one of the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy. He bounces on the edge of the law when capturing his bounty. He was band by the political heads never to capture a woman. Due to the fact all the women were brutally beaten and violated.
Gruden Marx is six feet two inches tall. He has a medium built that fit perfectly in the suit he loves to wear while hunting. His hair was a bit long gracing his shoulders. Marx appearance embodies the concept of the Venus fly trap.
Marx companions Hamdore a large mindless brute that followed without question and Rimm. Rimm grew up on a planet where the sun could not shine through the smog in the sky. In that darkness unspeakable event's happened to females so she pretended to be a male. She went so far as to remove her breast and take Onig to build muscle.
Onig was a drug that drove anyone who took it insane. Rimm looked normal in her male slacks and ruffled shirt. But the stories of her demented brutality spread to every planet. She should be a bounty. What is told is she threatened to kill a powerful political head's daughter and she would roast her over a pit, then feed her to the unfortunate. Now she is on Qua with Marxs.
The party was just about to begin with the people arriving at the square. It was tented with material that shown the beautiful sky but kept the bugs out. Dowser Advi arrived first to inspect the perimeter. There has not been any trouble from the civilian but the wild life seem to want to visit often.
Advi noticed when Marx's and his associates entered the tent. They were causing a stir with all the young ladies. Marx's walked to Advi with a smile on his face.
"I see that your the Dowser here. My name is Gruden Marx. I followed a bounty to this planet. I am informing you of my intentions before we cross each other."
Advi looked him in his eyes. He could see the dark creature he was in them.
"I'm Dowser Advi. No one new arrived on Qua. The civilian here I will vouch for. You can look over the rest of the planet if you like."
Marx did not like the restriction he was given by the dowser, but he agreed to it.
"Dowser I see a party brewing, do you mind if my associates and I join?"
'Just what he needed tonight.' Advi thought
"No I don't mind but keep away from the young one's. Touch one and you will see tha law here. Do we understand each other?"
Marx temple began to pulse as his jaw tighten a bit.
"I get your meaning dowser. Just want to have a little fun to unwind, that's all. Goodnight to you." Marx's said as he nod his head. Advi nod his head in returned and watched them as they went to the refreshment table.
Marx was given a drink and before he said a word he drank some thinking it was colored water. Imagine his surprise when he tasted shine in it. He looked at the woman that handed it to him the drink. She was fairly attractive and well endowed. She gave him a wink to let him know she knew he needed something stronger.
He smiled and walked off to the side where she could not hear.
"Ham, Rimm I can't stand to be told what to do. After we get our bounty were gonna show the dowser Advi our appreciation."
They stood there and smiled at each other. Then turned to look at the people.
Advi seen the verbal exchange. What they didn't know was he could read lips. They will be the one's surprised once they get a load of what will be waiting for them.
Janara & The Dowser
Science FictionHow did a female dentist end up a intergalactic space runner? Better yet how could she ever get the life she lost back. Being a young woman in space you see and experience a lot of things. If Janara was not the type of woman she is, it would have...