Interview with @NightWolf121

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Me:  ''Hiiiii, for one of my books I'm interviewing LGBTQ+ people. recommended that I interview you ;) Would you like that?''

NightWolf121: ''Sure xD I'm not all that interesting though''

Me: ''It's okay, I believe in you ^__^

The first question im going to ask is what sexuality do you identify as?''

NightWolf121:  ''I'm a lesbian''

Me: ''oh cool +_+ and when exactly did you discover that you were a lesbian?''


''Well I knew I never had a real interest in boys for a long time but just kind of brushed it off as not having found "the right guy yet" (as my parents always put it) and then when I was thirteen I got a really bad crush on my best friend which threw me for awhile (My dad is religious and is really uncomfortable with LGBT people, like he doesn't hate them or have a problem he's just uncomfortable so I guess I was in denial for awhile) anyway so I started googling LGBT stuff and I was like, this isn't bad, I don't see why other people would be uncomfortable with this, it's the same thing as other people. So I guess I knew when I was younger but I accepted it when I was thirteen.''

Me:  ''Wow, that's interesting. Did you ever come out to your parents?''

NightWolf121: ''I told my mom a little afterwards but she didn't really believe me, like she believed that I liked girls but she was really insistent that I was just confused and that I had to be bi because of a fictional character I thought was kinda hot -.- so that got on my nerves after awhile (cause she would always point out boys and try to get me to prove I was bi when I really wasn't) and we had a yelling match then when things calmed down we were good.

My dad however I told when I was 15, (I'm 18 now) and he still doesn't believe me. He just thinks it's a phase that I'll grow out of once I find the right guy and have kids (but I can't stand kids either so it's a repeated argument) He thinks you can't know your sexuality until you actually have sex with someone of both sexes and it's real irritating xDBut I'm out to all my friends and the rest of my family is cool with it.''

Me:  ''Well, that's good that you'r friends and most of your family took it well :) Do you think that there is something that straight allies don't really get about LGBT+ people?''

Nightwolf121: ''Well, and this doesn't apply to all straight allies but some, some straight allies they accept you but they still think you're different, does that make sense? For example, you read books on here written by non LGBT people and they're full of stereotypes. The gay best friend loves shopping and is really "feminine", the transgender kid is depressed and lonely, the lesbian is angry/butch/masculine, like yes there are LGBT folks like that out there but the majority of us you wouldn't know we were gay if we didn't tell you. And not every transgender person is depressed. And I use the books as an example but there are people out there who actually think every "feminine" guy is gay and every "masculine" girl is a lesbian. We're not, we're a mix just like everyone else.''

Me: '' I strongly agree with that. It's also annoying how some straight allies say ''dont assume people's sexuality'', yet they assume everyone's straight xD I think they'll get it someday xD Buhh anyways do you think that lgbt+ people of color deserve more representation? Why or why not?''

NightWolf121: ''Honestly I don't follow much of the LGBT community so I don't really know if they're being represented a lot? Unless you mean in like TV shows and stuff then yeah. Everyone should be able to have someone, or several someones that they can relate too and it's unrealistic to only have 1 person of color in an entire series.

That's another thing that bothers me about straight people trying to be inclusive, like ignoring the fact that they usually use stereotypes, they also usually only throw in a minority so they can say they're being diverse and get a pat on the back. They do that all the time in TV shows and on WP too. Like it's fine to write an entire white, or entire black etc. cast, it's your book and you are free to do that but if your entire book has only 1 LGBT or POC character and all they do is say hi to the MC don't tag it as LGBT or POC you know?Actually replace straight people with majority people cause it's not just straight people who do it xD''

Me:  ''Agreed, agreed. A few weeks ago the Orlando shooting story was almost EVERYWHERE. How did you feel about that?''

NightWolf121: ''It was awful, my heart goes out to the victims and families. But, and this is going to sound awful that's not my intention, it really brought people together? Like even the homophobic kids in my school were just blown away and actually started being nicer. And it's terrible that you need a tragedy before people will re-evaluate their behaviours and opinions.''

Me: ''I think it brought people together too. And for my finall question is if you had to go straight for a celebrity who would it be?''

NightWolf121: ''Does it have to be the celebrity themselves or can it be a character they play? XD

If it has to be a celebrity then I guess Wentworth Miller but I'd much rather go for Niklaus Michealson from The Vampire Diaries xD''

Me:  ''It can be a character they play and lol Nik looks alrightyyy.

Thanks for letting me interview you, it was fun :)''

NightWolf121:  ''Haha it's not really his appearance but his hybrid werewolf/vamp evilness (and his accent ;))

No problem :D thanks, have a good one ^*^''

Me:  '';D u tooo''

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