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dis is me and i made some fan art for travis and alex
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dats da fan art and im kinda sad at the moment because every year sense my mom died i cried before school until some of my friends cheered me up and just listen to the whole song and you will get why im sad but I'll just tell you my life story
when i was born i was red headed like my dad but my dad kept getting drunk and when he said he was going to work he lied because he actually went with his brother to the back of my house and went into the shed and got very drunk and my mom soon found this out and she told him that she would move in with my grand parents aka her mom and dad until he stopped and she gave him 1 to 2 weeks until she divorces him and when she went back to the house he said he stopped drinking but he actually didnt and my mom divorced him and we ended moving in with my grandparents but we then found a house and about 2 years later we moved into a bigger house with her friend and we had fun in that house but we moved into an apartment for a few years but thats when my mom got cancer.... she was suffering and we moved back into my grandparents house and her sickness got sooo bad she had to go to a hospital and....(im lagit crying rn) she died about a week after she was in the hospital and i still live with my grandparents and i live a happy life but what i dont know yet about my life is the future... lets just hope ill still be writing to calm me down. because when people read my stories it makes me happy and im just 14 so i don't write the best but just stay by my side and i dont want you feeling bad for me because im just one person on the earth and there are many others who need you to care for them but all im saying is dont worry about me see ya pip squeaks ah buh byeeeee ◕‿◕