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Saiko: Ciao, my good friends and followers, today I have brought the god, Dionysus, to talk about one of his specialities of being a—

Dionysus: Excuse me, if I may, the people came to see, and hear, from their favorite god, not *pauses for dramatic effect* to hear you ramble.

Saiko: Well yes, but, I mean I was just going to, I'm explaining what the book is about

Dionysus: They read it the description, and they saw my name, they don't want a lecture. Oh, and use your real name, Apollo didn't give you one to change it. What was it again?

Saiko: He didn't name me, my mom did, and it's Justus.

Dionysus: Ah yes, Justin, we should really be getting to the good part of this. you know, the part where I, am the, only, one talking! Don't you agree?

Justus: It's Justus, not Justin!

Dionysus: Bah! Whatever, now Jennifer, I have a party to be at by, 6:54, and I will not stand for being late!

Justus: It's, whatever, let's get on with it— Wait, a party at 6:54? Why wouldn't it be at 7:00?

Dionysus: If you must know, I must show up about an hour late. The party is actually at 6:00, so I'm going at 6:54. Even if I decided to show up at 6:50, or even 7:00, it would seem to planned out, and Zeus-forbid I show up at 6:00! Do you know how many gods will be showing up at 6:00?! Ew!

Justus: I thought you didn't want to be late?

Dionysus: *stares into soul* Excuse me?!

Justus:  Right! let's get to "The good part," shall we.

Dionysus: *grins, and pops open a Diet Coke* That's more like it.

Justus: You don't think, maybe I could have a Co—

Dionysus: No.

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