Chapter 1: The Time Turner

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First, this is a Harry Potter fan-fiction. Two, I don't own any of this, except a few characters of our (my friend and I) imagination. Three, everything else belongs to the Queen of the Wizarding world, J K Rowling. Fourth, I hope you like it.
Edited: 07-05-2018
The Time Turner

Chapter 1:- The Time Turner

'The Time Turner is a device of immense magical importance, the name suggesting the very function: the turning of time. The Ministry of Magic is highly secretive and quite closelipped when it comes to these little articles but some inside sources have given us sufficient explanations and history to interest even the most menial of poltergeists.

In itself, the Time Turner, resembling an eccentric locket is not worth the second glance. The miniature hourglass however, is another story. Rumored to contain the Sands of Time from the ancient mountains of Persia and hence the powers of the Time Sorceress herself, the magic invested in so small a device is hardly imaginable.

The Time Turners can give the wearer the ability to go back in time, alter whatever he chooses to, and dismantle the whole future as world knows it. As all great powers however, there is a catch. Oftentimes there are created such conundrums that the user will never again be able to manifest his physical form in the past, or the present, or the future.

Some experts say that time cannot be changed; that although the wearer may try his hardest to change the past, it cannot be altered except that it was already changed by being willed to be changed. A paradox of the acutest kind, fundamentally speaking. Yet, opinions are mixed as to full affects of magic done while in a different timeline, or what happens when another timed version of a witch or wizard, comes face to face with them. The situations created in time, are as of yet, still unknown to the bounds of wizardry; and what is unknown is often dangerous.

Back in the day, the Time Turners were the work of a free market: that is, anyone with enough galleons could buy one. And then, it was not only the past you could visit, but also the future. This all changed with the Catastrophe of 1562 of Albert de Frust, who, due to improper and unrestricted use of his magically altered Time Turner, somehow managed to wipe out the entire year of 1562 from existence. Since then the Ministry has been unwavering in the restricted use of these devices and has put forth banns for owning one illegally. All devices must be registered with the Ministry and can be traced to the owner at any given time or moment. And all the Time Turners with the feature of turning the time forward, have been destroyed.

Let us now discuss the details that we have managed to get from the written records of some of the original users of these Time Turners from the 12th century.....'

"Whoa!" He closed the book in wonder. It would be really cool if he got this 'Time Turner'. To look through your past, to know what the future would bring, it would answer so many questions. Just to imagine the kinds of problems it could solve!

... But it might bring new ones as well. You would never know what is going to occur since you already know exactly what's going to occur, so you can have the power to change what's going to happen but without knowing what is going to happen when you change the future. And what if you change the past to suit your needs but it makes the future oh-so-complicated that the past future, that now doesn't exist, was better in the first place?
Remus frowned. He had confused himself yet again. It was probably why the book wasn't allowed to students.

He decided to show this passage to the rest of the Marauders. Sirius and James would really like this, and Peter would like whatever the two of them did. Remus threw the Invisibility Cloak over himself again and quietly got out of the Restricted section of the library. Sneaking past the new librarian, a Miss Pince, who kept eyeing him with looks he didn't know what to make of, he was quickly out of the library and took off the cloak, all the while rushing to the Common Room with his 'borrowed' item.

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