Derp (A ToastyPie/PewDieKen fanfiction) ~NeBu's Work~

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(NeBu: Hallo everybody x3 This is my first work on our shared account! ToastyPie (Or PewDieKen f you prefer), yay! If you haven't already, check out my and UniqueShadow's stories as well (TheNerdBunny) and let's get on with the story, shall we? :3)



Ken's POV


Why? Why him? I stared at the black screen in disbelief. PewDiePie's video saying he had gotten together with Cry. I had watched it almost a million times since it was uploaded three weeks ago.....

Well, both their fans have been making fanfictions of them getting together, but I've never expected them to....


I punched my desk bitterly, ignoring the throbbing pain in my knuckles. Dang it.... My dreams have been impossible, but I always held that small light of hope. Hoping that Pewds.... would notice....


PewDieCry was basically a forbidden word in my opinion. Dang that fandom for existing. It started ever since the two of them had read that stupid fanfiction. Now I was left here moping and all alone.

Ring.(Or whatever sound Skype makes x3)

Skype? Who'd call me at this hour? It's 3:00 A.M here. Sigh. Yes, I had stayed up. I couldn't go to sleep. You can't blame me.

I clicked the 'Answer' button, waiting for the video to load. My Wi-Fi is always slow around this time. But the audio had loaded before it.

"Hello? Ken?"

What the heck? Pewds?

His face appeared on my screen, looking a bit sleep-deprived. His usually neatly combed blonde hair was messy, his light blue headphones flattening part of it. There were dark eyebags underneath his crystal blue eyes, which were dull and tired looking.

"Pewds, what are you doing? Calling at this hour, seriously?"

His eyes widened. "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot about the time difference." His hand moved to his mouse, moving to click the 'End Call' button.

"No!" I shouted, probably scaring my neighbors. Oh yeah, my neighbors have always hated me. Ah well. Pewds' eyes widened and his hand recoiled from his mouse. "I-It's alright. I don't mind."

Pewdie sighed in relief, his ocean blue eyes brightening up a bit. His lips curved into a smile that I always enjoyed. I couldn't help but grin as well.

"So why have you called anyways?" I asked, taking a swig of water from a bottle next to me, letting the water wash down my scratchy throat.

"Well, Cry and I are going to come down there!" He announced, clapping his hands together. I felt my spirits rise for a moment, but plummet down to my stomach the next. He may be coming to visit, but Cry's coming with him. I couldn't decide which weighed more: Pewds' presence or Cry's.

Dang it.

"Sure!" I agreed, chuckling lightly and faking a smile. It seemed gemuine enough, since Pewds smiled along with me. "So, when are you two lovebirds coming over?"

"Two or three days from now." Pewds answered, rubbing the back of his head.

"Sure, I'll get you two's rooms ready so you can have some sexy time." I threw in wink so he would believe it. Pewds flushed, but it was barely visible from how dark it was in the room that he was in. He looked so cute when he was flustered.

"Pewds?" I heard Cry call out from his side. I saw him come through the door, his face exposed. His eyes widened when he saw me and ran out the door. He returned, his white pokerface mask hanging lopsided on his face.

"Hey Cry." Pewds greeted. Cry sat down on a chair next to Pewds.

"Hey Ken." Cry greeted me with that voice all of his fans love. I gave him a small wave of my hand, acknowledging his presence.

"I'm going to have to go now," I stated to them, giving them an apologetic smile. "It's 3:00 in the morning here."

Pewds nodded, brushing the sandy hair away from his face. "See you in three days bro."

Cry waved. "Bye friend."

"Stay toasty, my friends." I ended the call and pulled the headphones off of my head. I rubbed my face, feeling annoyed yet overjoyed at the same time. Dang, I didn't know how to feel or what to say. Should I say I'm happy?

I fell on my bed, not even bothering to change into proper clothing. I fell asleep before my head had even hit the pillow.


I woke up the next morning feeling drowsy. Man, did I wake up early again? I think I only got three hours of sleep. I got up anyways, after ten minutes of trying to go back to sleep. I did my morning routine: shower, dress up, make breakfast, eat while watching TV. After that, I have pretty much nothing else to do but to record a video. Pokemon time.

I got out my 3DS, pulling my bear hat over my headphones, and started the game.

"Hey guys, I'm CinnamonToastKen."


I ended it after 30 minutes, shutting the lid of the 3DS and leaning back in my chair. I ended the recording and started to edit it so it was a bit shorter.

After about an hour of editing, I started to render it. I left it alone, knowing how long it usually took. I decided to spend the time cleaning up the guest room. It was a mess, seeing how I never really needed it. Dusting, sweeping, all the usual cleaning stuff.

After all of that, I uploaded the video and checked my mail. Yes, my life is this boring. One fan had sent me a fanart of Pewds and I. It made me feel a bit better until I saw another fanart, this time of Pewds and Cry. It was a scene from the fanfiction they had read out, the part where Pewds had handed the bouquet of flowers to Cry. I could see myself in the background, glaring through the window. Did someone seriously just send this to me?

I replied to a lot of messages, answering questions and being silly. But that's just me I guess. I saw another message, from Pewds.

"Hey bro :D Want to record another co-op?"

I smirked, remembering all of the past co-ops we had done.

"Sure :3 Who's gonna be in it?"

"Well of course, me and you, Minx, Seananners, and Cry x3"

Dammit. Cry's a part of it too.

 "Sure Pewds. When?"

I waited a few seconds, tapping my fingers on the desk.

"Now. x3"

"Sure :D"

After a few minutes of calling everyone up on Skype and setting the game up, I started the recording up. We were playing another round of Trouble in Terrorist Town.

"Let's do this thang!" I clapped my hands together.


(NeBu: Next part is going to be the game. This chapter is huge.)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2013 ⏰

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Derp (A ToastyPie/PewDieKen fanfiction) ~NeBu's Work~Where stories live. Discover now