Chappie 1

911 14 6

I woke up to the sound of my favourite song playing.

I love you
you love me
we're one happy family
with a great big hug
and a kiss from me to you
won't you say you love me too

I sighed happily, stretching my long arms. It felt great to wake up to such positive vibes.

I shuffled to the bathroom in my bedroom and quickly did the unspeakables. Then I washed my face and put on my normal 2.1 pounds of cosmetics, for that natural look. I first put on some lip stick, then some eyeliner, rubbed on some foundation, and quickly put on a light shade of blush, along with my eyeshadow, and then I applied some concealer, followed by my lip liner, finally doing my eyebrows to a T. I was about to put my make-up away when I realized oops almost forgot the primer, I quickly dabbed some on. The reason I put so much make up on was because I'm so ugly and needed to hide my hideousness. Covering what makes me ugly makes me feel... Less ugly.
I then finally put my make up away and then began combing my silky long black hair. Eww. I exited the bathroom and wore the first thing I saw.

My name is Cathy Green. I'm so ugly but I guess you'd still like to know how I look. I have long black hair that goes beyond my bum-bum, my eyes are really strange and gross- they change colour. In the mornings they're like a blue, then at noon they turn green, by night they turn into a cool purplish-magenta color. I'm so freaking hideous. I'm super tall and you can easily compare me to a model. An ugly model.

"Honey! You're morning salad's ready," my abusive step-dad said from down stairs, "Just the way you like it!" He was the sole reason I was so depressed. He would always tell me I couldn't go to illegal parties known for their rapists and force me not to mingle with the wrong crowds! Jeez! And on top of that he always got my breakfast, lunch and dinner salads mixed up!

I went down stairs and shoved past him not even bothering to eat the leaves he handed me. I walked out the front door with my backpack in hand, what he said next made me want to scream at him.

"Uh, why are you wearing your bedroom curtains?"

"IT WAS THE FIRST THING I SAW!" I promptly yelled back.


The first thing I saw upon my arrival at school was a short, curvy blond talking to the school bad boy, Austin Black.

Slut. I immediately called her, obviously oblivious to whether or not she was actually one.

Then Austin and I made eye contact. He smirked and then he took a step in my direction, pushing the slut in front of him by the forehead sending her to the floor.

He took long strides toward me and then stopped, we were a foot apart.

"I'm going to kidnap you now." He whispered.


And then I blacked out.

Plot twist: nvm she lo- oh sorry wrong chapter. Ummm... the slut gets a concussion idk.

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