Chapter 3 - Ring Ring

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I'm back!! Miss me?
    "What's going on?" The tall Danish wonders in too-short sweat pants, and a tank top.

    "Turns out Tino here is a little smitten with your roommate,"

answers  the tallest of the two figures, glancing at the pink face of the other.

    "Well, well, well. You must be the blonde he mentioned when he got back. Want his numb-"

     The swinging of a dorm door cuts his sentence in half. Standing, dripping wet is Berwald, in only a towel. A thin eyebrow raises at the trio, but the lips do not convey inner thoughts.

       Mathias tells, "I'll be in in a second, roomie."Attempting to cover the deep crimson on his friend's face, he moves himself in front of Tino.. With a nod, he slips back into the dorm. As soon as he does, the tomato faced student disappears into the commons area.

    "He's got it bad. But what about You-Know-Who? He couldn't have moved on that fast"

    "I don't know. Let's just see where this goes."

    "Ooh, I know. Think of all the double dates we could have, where after words we go back to your dorm and them to ours." Mathias babbles with a wink, causing a pink to dust Luka's cheeks. To his relief, Tino happens to return at that very moment.

    "Here. Give him this, please." Tino hands Mathias a tiny piece of folded lined paper.    

    Silently, Mathias unfolds it and reads.


  Tino and Lukas's Dorm

        7:16 P.M

    "Tino, calm down. It's been half an hour." Lukas calls from behind his chemistry book to the pacing man in the room. On his desk lies an uneaten bowl of instant macaroni and cheese, and his cell phone, on the highest volume possible.

   "You've been pacing since we got back. Chill."

    "How can I? He's probably thrown it away already, not even giving me a second look. You know, Mathias did say he had a staring problem, so maybe that day in math he was just doing it on accident. Or maybe today he met a nice girl with a flat stomach who's into what the cool Swedish kids are doing. Or-"

     "Tino, it's okay, he's going to call."

     Tino is about to begin again when his phone buzzes. In a flash, it's up by his ear. Much too eagerly, he says hello. And a much deeper one says it back.


    "Yes, this is him."

     The person on the other end grunts. Lukas extends a thumbs up from behind the book. In the awkward phone silence, tino's mind scavengers for something, anything, to say.

    "I'm into ABBA."


     You idiot, Tino thinks.

    "ABBA, the Swedish band. They're still cool now, right?"

     A muted thump of Lukas's palm on his forehead passes through Tino's distracted ears.

    "I guess so, yeah."

     Just kill me now, another thought pleads.

    "So, um, what are you up to?"

    "Working on an essay. You?"

    "Just hanging out with my roomie."

    "Fun, hey, are you doing anything Friday?"

    "No, I'm free, why?" Tino asks, trying to hide his hyperventilating.

    "Would you like to go to dinner?"

    "Oh, um, yes, I'd love to." Tino stammers out after about a minute.


    "Yes, eight, my favorite number, good, yes, great, gravy."

     Heavy silence. Lukas face palms again.

    "Okay. See you then"


    "Bye, I love you" Ends Tino, only saying the last three words after the line had gone dead. Afterward, he throws the phone back onto the desk and rushes into the bathroom.



    "How do I look?"

     Before the couple stands a squeaky clean Tino, blonde hair combed and neat.

    "Pretty hot."

    "8/10 would date, if not for Luka.. Did you put on extra deodorant?"

    "You dork. And I did, why?"

    "Look at your pits"

      Mathias holds up a mirror to Tino. Then, lifting an arm, a tiny darkness can be seen growing under the sweater arm. The man in the mirror's face drains of all color to a ghostly white.

    "He's going to think I'm some weird sweaty guy!"

    "You'll be fine."

     A knock on the door captivates there attention. As Tino runs to the door, Lukas and Mathias try and act natural. Fixing his hair again, Tino opens the door. And nearly pees himself.

     There is Berwald, flowers in hand, blushing if you squinted.


     Tino barely manages to sound a squeak that is suppose to be "hello".

    "These are for you"

    "Oh, thank you, how kind of you"

     Sweet Jesus he's perfect, ran in Tino's mind.

    "I'll take those for you."

     Offers Lukas, now holding the bouquet.

    "You kids have fun tonight. I want you home by eleven."

     If looks could kill, Mathias would be in the obituary the next day.

    "Shall we?"

     With a nod from the tall Swede, the two men are off.

Sorry, it was a bit short!
More on the way, my lovely readers.

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