A Walk Down Memory Lane

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Jake's POV-

"Hey jake, I have somewhere I want you to see..."
"Yeah sure, where are we going?" I asked him.
"Places. You'll see when we get there." He replied with a smile. Soon we got to the place he was talking about. He stopped but I kept walking until he called to me. "We're here." I turned around to see him facing towards and alleyway. "Home sweet home." He said with a sigh.
"What do you mean?" I asked, "you live at my place now, remember?"
"That's not what I meant. This is where I used to live." I nearly started crying.
"That was you?"


"Sir, can you spare some change?" I looked down to see a homeless fur looking up at me with puppy dog eyes.
"Oh I'm sorry, I only have bills." I said rudely and smirked. As I was walking away I heard a faint, "thank you anyways sir..." "Don't call me that." I called behind me. "Sorry..."

*End of flashback*

I grabbed Randall and held him tight.
"I'm so sorry!!" I sobbed into his shoulder. "I'll never do it again! I promise! I didn't mean it!" I couldn't stop crying and I didn't know why.
"Hey don't worry! That happened every day! Don't cry!" He said sympatheticly patting my back. What he said made me cry harder.
"Every day?! You don't deserve that! You never did! I'm so sorry..."
"Hey, cheer up, I'm not there anymore so you don't have to worry about it." He said to me.
"I guess so *sniff*." I was starting to stop crying. "On a happier subject *sniff*, are you hungry?" I laughed and so did he.
"Well, I guess I'll try to eat..."
"Alrighty then, you choose a restaurant and I'll pay."
"Ummm, well, there's a burger King right over there." He said and pointed.
"Lemmy show you something..." I pulled my wallet out of my back pocket and showed him the 2 grand I had in hundreds. "If you're with me, we don't eat at burger King." I said trying not to laugh at his expression.
"Holy shit! You shouldn't be carrying $2000 with you!"
"This is nothing, my parents are multi-billionaires. Two grand is cub piddle for my family." He still stood there shocked out of his mind. "Aye, pick your jaw up off the ground and pick somewhere!" I said lifting his jaw with my finger.
"I have no Idea... Umm, that burger King still looks mighty fi- hey! Put me down!" He yelled as I slung him over my shoulder.
"No, if you can't choose, I'll choose for you!" I replied laughing.
"Well I can walk!"
"Naw, you hurt your leg remember!" I said smirking.
"I already told you that the doctor said I'm fine! Not only that ive walked this far, so just put me down!" He said, I laughed at him hitting my back and squirming to get out of my grasp.
"Is this better?" I said and pulled him into a bridal position.
"AH!! WARN ME BEFORE YOU DO STUFF LIKE THAT!!" He yelled and wrapped his arms around my neck. I laughed again and looked down into his eyes.
"You have really pretty eyes, y'know that?" 'wait did I just say that?!' I thought. I blushed when I saw him blush and set him down.
"Thanks..." he said awkwardly. "Well where are we going anyway?" He asked me.
"Well, there's this Brazilian steakhouse around the corner that my parents just happen to co-own, so I thought we'd go there!" I said smiling.
"A steakhouse?! You don't need to do that!" He said shocked once more.
"Oh but I do! I feel that's it's necessary!" I replied back. "Well, no turning back now, there it is!" I said and pointed. Randall stopped. He looked down at his clothing. "What's wrong Randall?"
"I just can't go into a fancy restaurant like this! I'll embarrass you!"
"Ok, there's mark Jacobs store across the street, (don't know if that's even really a store XD) let's go get you some nicer clothes!" He just stood there as I started to cross the street.
"But Burger King..."
"Oh for the love of God, come here!" I said and grabbed his paw pulling him to the store.
"Okay! Okay! I'm coming!" We ran into the store and I immediately found a suit for him. It's what you would assume a tux looking like but with a red bow tie. I picked out one for him and a bigger one for me and we tried them on. His fit perfect but mine was a little tight. Meh. I'll survive for now.

-timeskip to in the restaurant-

"Thank you. So much. I really can't thank you enough." He told me, "this is delicious!"

"Well, I'm just happy you're eating and that you got a new suit!" I replied. The waiter walked up,
"Your bill will be 329.47 mister tallfox and your dad told me to tell to tell you he want to talk to you in the back room."
"Well, you tell him that if it's about Randall to go fuck himself but if it's not we'll talk."
"Yes sir." He said and walked away.
"Quick, get up, follow me." I said and grabbed Randall's paw pulling him up. "Don't say anything, just act natural and everything will be o-"
"JAKE!!!" I heard from behind me.
"Oh shit. RUN!!"

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