the meeting

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[Y/N]= your name
[h/c]= hair color
[L/N]= last name
[C/E/t/c]= cat ears and tail color
Bold mean thoughts
I will add on if I have to

([Y/N] pov)
I was running through the woods away from a wolf and then the next thing that happened is me getting bit and blacking out. "Hello are you ok" a male voice then a female voice started to talk "humans can't wake up as you can" " I think you wrong cuz she wakein up'' I was in a bed but then I saw robot with a blue heart on his chest and girl with cat eats and tail, I tried to run but I failed I looked at my ankle and it was broken and I had a bite mark on my thigh. The robot helped me up to the bed, "Hello my name is mo and don't worry we won't hurt you we swere" I smiled at her and then I looked over at the robot,"my name is jolt so what is your name'' I looked down and then looked at them, "my name is [Y/N] did... did yall help me here" Mo nodded and the robot was blushing and looked away. "Why is he blushing well never mind that" Mo started to tease him" aww dose some one have a crush" he blushed even more and lightly punched her so he won't hurt her. "Can robots love" I needed to go to the restroom but i did not want to say it out loud because jolts is in here when jolt left to battery's because he's a robot I asked mo and she helped me she helped me in there and waited outside the door when I was done she helped me out and helped me to kitchen so I can eat she made me sit next to jolt and mo got me and I asked for a salad and she made me it she also made herself one to. She gave it to me and she had to pee so it was just me and jolt, "so [Y/N], you are ki...never mind" "please tell me" he just stood up and started walking off but I somehow grabbed his hand and his face had blue blush, because he is a robot his blush Is blue. I tried to stand up but I fell on the floor, I started to wimper and my ears started to twitch, jolt picked me up bride style and ran to his room, he got some bandages on my ankle and thigh. He went into his closet and handed me some cruches, I smiled at him and I got up and I kinda stumbled but I got it ,jolt was showing me to my room and he showed this big room and it was all white with blue bed bed sheets and blue rug. I hugged him and he hugged me back, but when he hugged me I felt this sharp pain and I hissed in pain he looked in shock and asked if he can check on it but before he could finish asking I blacked out. I woke up with a different shirt, I think it was mo's because it was tight. My vision was fuzzy still but I could make out jolt and mo, I sat up and I felt the pain in my back still, " Mo what happened to my back" she looked over and jolt and then back at me "some how I just found o...'' jolt covered her mouth super fast and smiled. Mo lick his hand so his hand was off of her mouth. "Like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, I found out when jolt think someone is cuuuuu...." jolt looked like he was pissed so mo stopped talking. "Jolt are you ok" he looked over at me and smiles. "Yeah I'm fine"

M- awww
J- shut up
Y- heh well I'm *yawns like Kitten* gonna go to bed
M- that was the cutest thing ever
Y- heh
M- what do you think jolt....jolt
J- I guess that was cute but mine are cuter
M- .... yeah you can think that
J- what did you say, you wanna fight
Y- haha well I'm gonna go now see yall in the morning
M- yeah I'm gonna head off to, jolt you need to recharge because remember last time you let it go down all the way and it made you crazy till I had to to take you to you charging thingy.
We all headed to bed, I woke up at 5 o'clock cuz I always wake up at that time, I grabbed my cruches and went to the living room, I saw jolt on the couch and he looked over at me, "why did you wake up so early" "I always wake up at this time, Is it ok if I join you on the couch" he nodded his head and I sat my cruches on the floor and sat on the couch. I was sitting on the other side of the couch and I was just looking at the floor when jolt started tickling my sides, I busted out in laughter "ST..HAHAHA..STOP I.HAHAH...IT PLEA...HAHAHA
.PLEASE" 'NEVER" after 5 mins of that I was laughing so hard I was crying, I was surprised mo didn't wake up from all that yelling. "Wow,mo must be a hard sleeper" "she always wakes up around 1 o'clock" I giggled, ''what's so funny" "THIS" I started to tickle him and he was doing the same thing as me, begging for me to stop but I didn't after 2 mins jolt accidentally kicked my stomach, I curled up in a ball and I was whimpering, I had tears streaming done my face in pain. Jolt told me to stop moving and stay sill it won't hurt that much and I did so, he put a ice bag on my stomach and it started to stop hurting. He then sat back down, I finally sat up, I grabbed my cruches and put the ice bag in the freezer I then sat back on the couch, I was watching TV and all of a sudden I felt jolt play with my hair, he saw me looking at him and he stopped, he looked away, "why did you stop'' he looked at me and he was blushing, "I uhh erm I'm sorry" we just say there looking at eachother in silence till we both started leaning in for a kiss when we herd a door open. Mo was walking out and made some tea, me and jolt quickly moved away from eachother and mo sat in between us, "good morning guys" me and jolt still were blushing and mo noticed" why are yall blushing'' "NOTHING" we both said at the same time she then put her arms around us and smiled. " So mo, are you and jolt a thing'' "nope and never in millions of years we are just best friends" I nodded my head, I got my cruches and I walked into my empty room and then mo walked in. ''hey can I ask you something" I nodded and we say on my bed
M- do you know we're you live
Y- yeah I live in the woods
M- why
Y- when I was little, my family always used to take me to go to the park but one day I woke up and I found my parents body's burning in the fire place. I then got my blanket and pillow, I grabbed my dad lighter and burned the place, I then ran into the woods, I had no emotions but when I got here I did
M- I'm sorry
I was crying and I saw jolt standing at the door way, I guess he over heard us because he was there in shock. He ran over to me and hugged me" you can live here [Y/N]" he said and I said yes I hugged back and I pulled away. "Well I think I am going take a shower" jolt nodded "and after you are done we can get some stuff for your room" mo said smiling..... I was in the shower when I heard the door open and shut," don't worry its just me, mo , I brought you some of my close to change into and I will do your hair and make up when you're done kk" "kk" she then left
~~time skip to after getting everything and setting up and putting close up because I haven't had a time skip yet~~

We were all done setting my room up and I laid on my bed, mo and jolt laid next to me and we just started talking till we all fell asleep, oh btw jolt is on the left, mo is on the right and I am in the middle.

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