
60 3 1

This is my first plot shop (is that what it's called?) so please keep in mind that I may take some time to respond to comments.
1. Plots that are free for the taking are marked free whereas if it says taken it has already been called for
2. Whoever comments first asking (politely) for a plot will have the right to use that plot freely as they feel they should
3. Don't not steal taken plots, however feel free to look at open ones
4. If you do get a plot from me please credit me. Also if anyone finds that someone did not please bring this to my attention
5. If a plot is given to someone I will change the plot from free to taken asap
6. I haven't done this before so I may not be able to create a links. If you want me to I can try but no guarantees.

Plots (Open)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu