Chapter 1(or is it 2?)

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"Seth here. Target acquired. Permission to commence operation?"

"Permission granted. Thantos out."

Seth crouched in the tree, staring down at the tall man walking down the paved path. He had a neat, pinstripe suit and glossy black hair combed back with hair jell, barely hiding the balding spot on his crown. He held a briefcase, and had a cell phone pressed to his ear. He was talking angrily on the phone to someone, no doubt the someone from the 'diversion' squad. Seth smoothly dropped down from the tree, darting over to the tall building and scaling the side quickly. After reaching the second floor window, he scrambled inside and slung the 'guitar' case off his shoulder. Quickly unzipping it, he hefted the Barrett 50 Cal out of the case, lining it up in the window, going through the motions of preparing to fire. He scanned around with the scope, searching for the glossy black hair. Got it, he thought. He carefully released the safety, lined up the shot, and waited for the signal. Soon enough, the man hung up and he heard a soft Ding from his headset, and he pulled the trigger.

Slinging the guitar case back onto his shoulder, over the top of his inside out hoodie. One side was black; the other red. He pulled out the DJ headphone cover and slipped it over his headset, before casually stepping towards the door. He glanced back, and saw the gleaming bullet, set right in the middle of the room for any investigator to find. It was his little calling card, the Omega symbol carved into the bottom. A similar bullet had, just fifteen minutes ago, pierced through the target's head. He pulled the 'headphones' up over his ears, and stepped out of the room.

Private Investigator Neil Brown tugged at his hair in frustration. Another dead business man! That was the third in as many months, and they were still no closer to catching the culprit. The only piece of evidence left behind was the bullet from the victim, and the bullet in the snipers nest. They've taken to calling the perpetrator Omega, based on the Omega symbol engraved into the bullets. When Neil Brown didn't catch the culprit, he was unsuccessful. When he was unsuccessful, his boss Ivan Murkowski was unsuccessful. When Ivan Murkowski was unsuccessful, he was angry. When he was angry, Neil Brown took the blunt of it. Therefore, Neil Brown needed to find the culprit. He banged his head on the desk, and let out a long-suffering sigh. A tap on his head, and the soft thump of a Styrofoam cup hitting the desk caused him to slowly raise his eyes. Standing in front of him was his partner, Jason Morrow. "Still on the Omega case, Neil?" He asked, mirth twinkling in his eye. Neil glared at him, and instead of answering, chugged half the coffee from the cup. Jason laughed and sauntered over to his desk, plopping down in his swivel chair and throwing his legs up on the desktop. "You'll get him, Brown. I know you will." Neil groaned and dropped his head back down on top of the case folder.

Eh, sorry for the huge gap in between. I realized that my writing style was crap, so I took classes. also, my friend Rake8MyBlueCookie continuously griped, complaining about how her friend KiritoTyper(?) was trying to get me to update, or her to hack my account and update for me. So, I guess this is for KiritoTyper and Rake8MyBlueCookie.


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