Chapter 5 |Not A Reason

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Chapter 5 | Not A Reason

Song For Chapter: Cowboy Casanova by Carrie Underwood

Quote: "Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself."- Coco Chanel


The bell rung and every student shot up from their seats. I was one of the last students up from their seats. I didn't want to be run over by a pack of wild students ready to leave school. Nothings worse then getting in their way. Before I could leave the class my history teacher pulled me aside.

"Clare, can I talk to you? Your not trying to catch a bus are you?" She was a small lady. She never yelled at students. She was quiet. So when she pulled me aside from everyone else I got a little worried.

", it's fine. Am I in trouble Mrs. Sandra?" I couldent help from it coming out of my mouth. She smiled and shook her head.

"No, not at all. But I did want to talk to you about the essay I gave out Tuesday." I could feel my arms and legs go weak. I turned in the paper. I know I did. And I did a decent job. Sweat formed around my hair line and in my palms. I awkwardly tried to wipe them on my pants with out her knowing. She turned around and grabbed a stack of papers. She shuffled around threw them before she pulled one out. Mine out.

She handed me my paper, but when I saw a B plus written on the front page I became confused. Why does she want to talk about my essay? She gave me a fine grade? I looked up at her.

"The topic was about something in history that really inspires you." She lifted up both eyebrows waiting for me to figure out what she was talking about. I wrote about America gaining independence from Britain and how it inspired me to do do things when no one else expected me to. The whole thing was a big lie but all the other students wrote about the same thing so I thought there was no problem.

"I'm still confused." I laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of my neck. I could feel my face redden.

"Clare, I have been your history teacher for almost three years now. That paper right there is not you. And honestly I don't believe it. Of course I don't believe anything, any of the other students wrote about, but I know you can do more then that."She paused before she turned around and sat down at her desk. I felt uderly stunned

"I know your not some English honor, but I believe you can do more then the rest of the studnts. I want you to give me a real essay. Something in history that really inspires you. Not just the same old same old. Turn it an whenever, but I want it to be from the heart. Also I'm not going to grade it. I...I just want to see what that shy girl has to say." With my eyes wide open I nodded my head. She laughed at my expression.

"Sorry if I have scared you Clare. But honestly when I see you I see me. And trust me I have a lot going on in my head." I smiled and nodded my head once more. Im starting to feel like a bobble-head with all the nodding I'm doing.

"No, it's fine. Umm...thanks Mrs. Sandra. It-it might take me a while." I looked at the door to make sure no one heard our conversation.

"I wouldn't expect you to turn it in right away." She smile at me and put on her big red glasses and started to type something into her computer.

I smiled and turned around. I waved to her once I reached the door out. She smiled in return, I raced out of her room as fast as I could.

What am I suppose to write about? What thing in history inspires me? I groaned out in frustration. A couple of students turned and looked at me funny. I smiled at them and made my way to my locker so I didn't have to talk to them.

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