She Lives in a Fairytale-Chapter 3

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She Lives in a Fairytale 

Chapter 3

I couldn't control my emotions. I wonder if this is what Josh felt like while crying over the girl. I knew that seeing him like that, dead on the floor, made me feel sick and wrong. I can't even imagine how he must have felt about losing the girl he's loved for so long. He doesn't deserve to die or lose that girl. I felt connected to their problem.  

I knew that I needed to stop crying and live my life but I couldn't stop. I needed a Josh, someone who truly loves me and will be there for me no matter what.  

"Hayley, I'm sorry to bother you but I'm ready to apologize. I was upset before you came." I look up to see Taylor staring down at me. "Have you been crying?" 

"I still am." I sobbed. I kept trying to regulate my breathing but it wasn't really working. 

"I'm really sorry, Hayley." He held a hand down to me and I grabbed it. I needed to get up and do something. Little did I know I was going to be squished in a big bear hug. 

"Taylor, I can't breathe." It was a lie but I was uncomfortable.  

"Sorry, Hayley."  

'No, you're not.' I thought to myself. 'But this will have to do for now.' 


It had been a few days and I felt better. Taylor was great. He was being an absolutely amazing boyfriend again. Just like old times, we were holding hands, laughing with each other, and just being a couple again in general. It was great. He was my Taylor again.  

I haven't had a dream or anything for a few days as well. That wasn't necessarily a good thing but it also wasn't that bad. I missed seeing Josh and knowing how the girl was doing but it was no longer my main concern.  

I was solid again. With the love of my life at my side once again I could think. I felt whole again.  

"Hayley, there's something I have to tell you." 

"What is it, Taylor?" 

"Well, you see, my family is falling from power. It looks like we are going to be overthrown soon and the monarchy will be over." 

"That's terrible. I'm so sorry. And if you guys need anything my family and I will be more than happy to help."  

"I was hoping you would say something to that effect." His smile was almost malicious. 

"What do you mean?" I asked as if I didn't suspect a thing. 

"I visited your parents earlier today. It seems that there was an unfortunate accident." I gasped. "Yes, quite sad. It seems they were stabbed to death. Now, their fortune, including the throne, is yours to inherit. No one else can rule unless you perish. They named a second person to inherit everything in case you were....unable to rule." 

Realization of what he was speaking of dawned on me. "No. Taylor, y-you can't. Y-you won't. We love each other. We would end up ruling together anyway." I reasoned. I was beginning to tear up rapidly. 

"You see, Hayley, I don't share very well. I want your money and your power. The only way I can get what I want is to take it, and to do that you need to leave. Don't worry it'll only hurt for a moment." 

"No! Taylor, don't!" I sobbed uncontrollably. I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I was going to die, Taylor was going to get away with murder and rule, and I wouldn't find out what happened to Josh and the red haired girl that I was now so envious of. 


"Hayley?" Josh said to the girl. We shared the same name as well as a similar voice an appearance. What more might we share? A love for Josh? A life the other might want? No, she wouldn't want my life. And I would only want her life after she wakes up. 

"Come on, Hayls. I just saw you open your eyes. I know I did. I can't lose my mind yet." He choked out a dry, humorless chuckle. "I love you, Hayley. You know that, right? After all I only tell you a million times a day." My heart skipped a beat. He might be talking to her but he said my name. It made it sound like he was speaking to me. 

The heart monitor spiked. Her pulse rose just slightly as her heart beats per minute rose as well. It matched mine as well. This puzzled me deeply. It only just then hit me how alike we looked. I was prettier but that was before I was dead. I don't know what I look like anymore but then again it didn't matter. We had the same red hair, pale milky white skin, and hazel eyes that can lean either way (green or brown) some days. I only know about her eyes because of her general description on the chart at the foot of her bed. 

Josh quickly punched a button on the wall inwards and a women's voice answered. "Yes, nurse, Hayley showed some unusual patterns on the heart monitor." 

"I'm sending the doctor." 

"Thank you, ma'am." Josh replied. Wow, he was also polite. 

He grabbed Hayley's hand and I imagined he was holding my hand. I was blushing and I wasn't even really in a body. I was a sort of ghostly presence. It still made me feel good to think of myself being comforted.  

Monitors beeped and went a little crazy. How did this keep happening? The doctor, a professional man in a long white coat, walked in. It was the same man that told Josh there was still hope because of brain activity. 

"The monitors are going crazy, Doc. What's going on?" Josh asked frantically. He also seemed excited yet nervous. 

"A lot of brain activity, heart rate and pulse spiked for a moment, and if you'll notice some of her coloring has returned. This is all very good. It's such a sudden change from her condition even just an hour or two ago." 

"So she's improving?" his voice was so hopeful that I wanted to cry for joy. He had hope again. She is trying to come back.  

I was crying but I couldn't wipe the tears away so I just let them fall. I saw them hit the floor but I didn't think anything of it. It seems that Josh and the doctor thought something of it though. They looked to the corner that I was residing in at the moment.  

"Did you hear it too?" Josh asked.  

"I see it." The doctor said while nodding. "A single drop of water." 

Josh was nodding. He looked back to Hayley. "Doc, look." The doctor looked to Hayley and so did I. Tears were coming from under her eyelids. She was crying.  

"Do you think it's a sign? And what about the water in the corner? Doc, I'm freaking out. Tell me you know what's going on. If I'm on Pranked or something then this is just cruel." 

"I don't know what this is all about, Josh. I'm just as dumbfounded as you." 

Josh took Hayley's hand and spoke to her. "Hayley, I know that you can hear me. You know that something's going on. Hang in there. You're doing better. I know you can hear me. Come on, Hayls, you gotta wake up soon." 

"She'll come around soon enough. She's doing a lot better now." The doctor said with a hopeful smile. "I'll leave now. I have to finish my rounds with the other patients. Buzz the nurse if anything changes." 

"Will do, Doc." 

Once the doctor was gone Josh leaned toward Hayley. "I love you, Hayley." Cue a spike on the heart monitor and in my chest. "I love you, too, Josh." I said. He didn't hear it of course but it felt nice to say.  

He leaned down and kissed Hayley's forehead. The weird part was I felt it too.  

My world came crashing down around me as I finally realized that this was real and I was that girl in a coma.  

I was Hayley. Not princess Hayley Castor, but normal Hayley that was beaten and abused on daily basis. I'm the Hayley that's only loved by one person- Josh. The one I want to be. It explains everything. Maybe I was killed for a reason after all- and a good one at that.  

I have to do my best, everything in my power, to get back into that body and back to my real life. 

And if I ever again saw Taylor in my thoughts or dreams, I'd have to thank him for killing me. Even if he was horrible.

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