Friends? Who needs them

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9:00AM                                  April 20th

    Finally I am in time for school and I finished all my class work so I have time to write. Okay there is this boy in my physics class that keeps trying to talk to me. His eyes green as grass are right on me ! Ugh How annoying is that? Great he just threw a crumpled up paper at me. Now He is smiling so hard , Idiot I swear . This is what it says, " OOOOH Ester stop ignoring me! You look splendid this morning , by the way I just want to be friends,I know you want that too . You are so freaking smart girl, lets work together and be the brains of the school! What you think? Yes." I tried not smile but it slipped out, dammit I got up from my chair still smiling at him and threw the note right into the trash can.

    " I'll take take as a yes Ester," Noah said, Boys are just something. I won't fall for their tricks , they are all the same to me ...
                   Break is over , Laters!

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