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Shoyo Hinata

I made it to Tokyo by myself! Yehey! o(^-^)o

Like • Comment • Share  7 hours ago 

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Koshi Sugawara: Are you alone in Tokyo? You could get lost.

7 hours ago • Like •

Shoyo Hinata: I got lost a while ago but luckily, Kenma was there.

7 hours ago Like •  

Daichi Sawamura: Where are you now?

 7 hours ago Like •  

Shoyo Hinata: At his house. Kenma's taking a shower. It's so hot.

 7 hours ago Like • 

Tetsurou Kuroo: WTF? You think Kenma taking a shower is hot?!

7 hours ago Like • 

Tetsurou Kuroo: @Tobio Kageyama

7 hours ago Like •  

Shoyo Hinata: Huh? It's hot here in Tokyo. I'm in the living room by the way.

 7 hours ago Like • 

Shoyo Hinata: Uh... Kuroo-san, are you welcoming me to Facebook as well? Kageyama's always doing that and I don't know why.

 7 hours ago Like • 


Daichi Sawamura: Watch your language Kuroo.

7 hours ago Like • 

Tobio Kageyama: I'm coming over.

 7 hours ago Like • 

Kei Tsukishima: Can you even go there without getting lost, your Highness?

 7 hours ago Like •  

Tobio Kageyama:  Stop calling me that Tsukishitma.

 7 hours ago Like •  


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