Part. 1

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(Y/n) POV

I was sitting around waiting in the White Fang base for everyone to get back from the small raid they went on. The reason I didn't go was Cinder didn't want me to go she was worried about maintaining an element of surprise about what my power is (Basically the same powers and outfit as Natsu). I watched as white fang grunts were moving stuff around getting ready for them to get back. I lit a small fire in my hands and let it burn and I even threw some small scraps of paper into it, why, I don't know, I just get some sort of pleasure from watching stuff burn. I've been like that ever since I discovered my semblance, burning down building's multiple times and constantly setting things on fire. I just kept doing it till my parents dropped me off at some building, said they would be right back, and they left. Never saw them again. Some parents, while I kept thinking about this I hadn't noticed that I lit the crate I was sitting on on fire. A grunt brought me out of my day dream by tapping my shoulder and letting me know. At this point Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, and Neo came back. I just sighed and watched as Cinder barked orders at the white fang grunts and I felt someone tap my shoulder and I looked and saw Neo standing right next to me "Hey" I said ruffling her hair. She puffed up her cheeks and blushed. Most people didn't know that me and her were dating but we managed to keep it a secret from everybody else. We went back up to my room and I sat on my bed and she sat on my lap. I removed her jacket and started massaging her shoulders and I heard her let out a sigh "I hate Cinder" she said and I just shrugged. I was the only one she ever talked too, she doesn't even talk to Roman. "Meh, no one likes her, the only reason that people are here is because she'll hunt you down if you leave" I said and buried my face in her hair. I looped my arms around her stomach and started to kiss her neck. She tried pushing me off of her but she couldn't "(Y/n), stop I should get back to my room" and I rolled us over so I was on top of her "Aw, come on, how long has it been since we last did it?" and I went back to kissing her neck while Neo was moaning lightly and I pulled away briefly and pressed our lips together.

Time skip

I was laying in my bed while looking at the ceiling while Neo was still asleep. I was running my hand through her multicolored hair while she was still snoring lightly. She eventually opened her eyes and she yawned and said "Morning (Y/n)" "Morning Neo" and she got up and went to go collect her clothes "since we got the day off today, wanna go out?" I asked her and she finished getting her clothes on "Sure, come get me in an hour" and she left my room. I giggled like a small child and rolled myself out of bed. I got my own clothes on and took a shower, this took about a half hour. I then did the usual teeth brushing and things of that nature and that took about 10 minutes, that leaves me 20 minutes so I flipped on to some random TV show and just watched it for awhile.the twenty minutes flew by and I turned off the TV and went to go get Neo. I knocked on her door and she opened it "Hello (Y/n)" and I leaned on her door "Hello Neo, you ready?" I asked her and she nodded and we left. We were walking around the city heading to this one place I know that is pretty good.

3rd POV

Team RWBY was walking around Vale while they were going to a dust shop for more dust and ammo. They weren't really paying any attention to anyone or anything else. "Hey guys, why don't after we get our stuff at the shop, let's go out to eat" Ruby said and her teammates nodded in agreement. They were about to walk into the dust shop when Blake said "Guys, look" and she pointed at Neo and (Y/n) who were walking down the opposite side of the street "What are they doing?" Ruby asked looking at the pair as they turned around the corner "Whatever it is, it can't be good, let's follow them" Yang said and they walked after the pair. They kept following them but keeping it at a safe distance, they know that Neo is a very tough opponent but they don't know anything about (Y/n). They folowed the pair til they turned down an ally  and RWBY climbed on top a building. They watched as Neo walked out of the ally by herself and Blake said "Where's the other one?" "I don't know, we saw him walk in right?" Weiss said and they were interrupted by someone saying "You know it isn't polite to watch someone" and they looked back and saw (Y/n) standing behind them a glaring lightly at them. Yang instantly activated her weapons and ran at (Y/n). He caught her wrist and said "I'm not here to fight you, I just came up to ask you to stop following us" and Yang swung her other fist but her ducked and dodged it and kneed her in the stomach making her cough and spit up a little bit of blood. He dropped her and said "I'll tell you once, stop following us" "And if we refuse?" Ruby said getting out her scythe "then I'll make you all worse than her" he said and kicked Yang back to them "Well, fair well ladies" and he jumped down to Neo.

(Y/n0 POV

"Did you get them of of us?" she asked me "Yeah, I think they got the message" I said looking back up at them and glaring. I turned around and said "Let's keep going" I said and I walked about ten feet before I felt someone hit me in the back of my head and I went into a cart of food. I got up and dusted myself off and saw that yellow haired girl now fighting Neo. I fixed my scarf and I then saw her three little friends join her. Individually, me and Neo were better than all of them but a two of four, might turn out differently. Neo jumped back to where I was and she was about to teleport us away but I grabbed her shoulder and said "Hey, what's wrong with stretching out our arms a bit?" and Noe nodded and got her umberella ready just in time to block a punch from the blonde. Unlike when I knocked her down her hair was glowing yellow and her eyes were bright red and I don't have to be an idiot to figure out what happened to her. It's her semblance, so the more  we beet her down the more she gets back up 'Looks like we'll have to knock her down pretty hard. I then moved back to avoid one of her shotgun blasts and ducked to avoid a sniper rifle bullet from red. Noe was dealing with the Schnee and the faunas girl while I had the other two all to myself. I smirked at the yellow haired girl and made a 'come get me' gesture that seemed to set her off and she rushed me with a fair bit of speed. Fortunately, the more and more angry she get's the easier it is to predict her moves but I was distracted by the faunas kicking Neo in the back of the head and the Schnee knocking her away. This momentary laps in judgment let the blonde hit me in the stomach hard.


I watched (Y/n) get hit by that bimbo into one of the stores and it soon collapsed on top of him. I ran over and started to pick up rocks but I felt someone grab my shoulder and it was the yellow haired girl "Your coming with us" and she was about to knock me out but a flaming hand came out of nowhere and hit her away. I looked up and saw (Y/n) with scales around his eyes and on his arms. This was his semblance, Cinder always told him to save it and only use it if victory is not assured. He cracked his knuckles and said "If you leave now I'll consider letting this go" and something hit him in the face. I looked and saw the red haired girl pump her fist up and yell "yes" but (Y/n) went like he was and said "Almost got me" and he opened his mouth and showed he caught the bullet with his teeth. He crunched it and said "One last warning" and they grabbed their weapons and walked away. He exhaled and the scales went away and he said "Well, that was a successful date" and I got up and kissed his cheek "It was fun, come on, let's just go back to base" I said and we both headed back.

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