CH. 5 (finally)

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(Y/n) POV

I was waiting for Neo to give the all clear for us to leave. I was leaning on the wall with a backpack with my personal things and just crap I wanted to take with me. I clicked my tongue and looked out the window and watched Cinder's bullhead leave and Neo came around the corner 

"Alright, she's gone, let's go before anybody would notice" she said and I nodded. we quickly exited out the back door and started getting away. We kept going until we were sure we aren't being followed and I said 

"So, what's the next part of the plan?" 

"Now we go to the authorities and tell them about the hide out, and after that we get out of here" 

"Alright, the station is just down the street" and we went to it. I went around a corner and I put my hand in front of Neo 

"What's wrong?" 

"It's that group of colorful girls, their out front" I said looking at them as they were talking with the police chief 

"Well, here goes nothing" and I walked around the corner. The second the chief saw me he pointed his hand gun at me and said 

"Hands up, your under arrest" and twenty other officers came outside. I just put my hands up and said 

"I'm not here to fight, I have some information that you want" and one officer put me in handcuffs while the girls readied their weapons and the blonde seemed pretty pissed to see me again 

""What do you have that I want (Y/n)?" 

"the location of the white fang hideout, as well as their plans for the next two months" and he seemed intrigued 

"Go on"  

"All you have to do to learn this is erase my record and bounty and do the same for Neapolitan, then I'll tell you everything you want to know" and he seemed slightly skeptical 

"How do I know you aren't lying to me?" 

"You don't, you'll just have to take my word for it, and besides, I surrendered and complied with what you asked me to do, if I wanted you all dead I would have already done it" and he seemed a bot more relaxed 

"Fine, we'll erase your record and hers, but you will have to stay here for a week to make sure your information is accurate" and I melted the handcuffs off 

"that's not going to work chief, I'm not staying anywhere, just erase the records and I'll give you the info, that's how this is gonna work" and he then sighed 

"RWBY, subdue him" and the girls sorrounded me. The police officers all backed off and got behind some cover 

"Listen, if you give up we'll go easy on you" the red haired girl said and I just scoffed 

"Seriously, you expect me to listen to you? A child? Please, your just a kid chasing her dreams and probably going to kill yourself along the way, the same goes for all four of you" I said and that really pissed the blonde off. Her hair glowed yellow and her eyes turned red and she ran at me 

"Yang no, that's what he wants you to do!" the black haired one yelled at her friend but it was to late. I grabbed her arm and twisted it and kneed her in the jaw. I kicked her away and I ducked to avoid the heiresses rapier and I looked over and saw Neo fighting the police officers and easily beating them all. I then punched the Schnee in the stomach and it sent her up about 10 feet and I moved to the side to avoid getting cut in half from the black haired girl and I tried to hit her but she put a shadow clone in her place. She then used the long piece of cloth on the end of her weapon to tie my hands together and she pulled me to the ground. I  got up and I had to star moving rapidly to avoid the red haired girls scythe from splitting me in two and I ripped the cloth holding my hands together and grabbed the blade as it was brought down on my head 

"For what it's worth, you girls aren't half bad, maybe train for a decade and then we can really fight" and I was using my fire to heat up the blade of the scythe until it was bright orange and she ripped it away and while she was distracted I kicked her in the back. I then felt a piercing pain in my leg and Looked behind me and saw it was the faunas girl who shot me. I gritted me teeth  and felt my scales show up and I lit my hands on fire and I took a deep breath 

"Fire dragon, roar!" and I breathed a wave of fire at her which she barely dodged. I jumped up to her and grabbed her foot so she couldn't use her semblance and I used her to break my fall. I looked over and saw Neo had finished dealing with the police officers and I heard someone running at me. I looked behind me just in time to watch the blonde who got up punch me in the face hard. It was right in my left eye and I felt blood come out of it and I shut it and I punched her in the stomach back just as hard. She coughed for a second and hit my leg where I was shot and I let out a yelp of pain and I roundhouse kicked her head as hard as I could. Before she could fly out of reach I grabbed her foot and brought her right back and I punched her in the back which sent her up in the air and when she landed I caught her and put her over my shoulders and I heard a few cracks and I dropped her. I fell to my knees as her friends got back up and they were about to come at me again but we all heard 

"Enough!" and we all looked over and saw a man with gray hair standing there. He had on a green suit and he had a cane 

"Professor Ozpin" the red haired girl said looking at him 'so that's Ozpin?' I thought holding my bullet wound while Neo was also next to me and she was helping me stand 

"Girls, mind telling me why you are fighting this young man?" he said in a calm tone 

"Sir, he's working with the white fang and those people who are trying to take over" the Schnee said and the black haired girl nodded 

"really now? Now, Mr. (l/n), are you working with the white fang?" and I shook my head no 

"I was, but me and her are leaving, we came here to tell the police about what they were doing and I cooperated with what they said until the part where they wanted to arrest me, that's when they attacked me" and he nodded 

"Girls, is that true?" 

"Well, he, uh" the red haired girl said while trying to think of something 

"The blonde was the one who threw the first punch" I said pointing to her as she struggled to get up from the ground. Ozpin nodded and said 

"Well, (Y/n), as far as I can tell this was an act of self defense, and you are innocent" and I nodded while RWBY looked shocked 

"But he-" and Ozpin cut the faunas girl off and said 

"he said he isn't with the white fang anymore, you four go back to the academy" and they reluctantly limped back. The faunas had to help the blonde back and Ozpin walked up to me and Neo 

"Now, you look like you need some medical attention, after that you can tell me what you know, after that I will let you two go and we can act like we have never seen each other" and I nodded. A few moments later paramedics came and started helping me with the injuries is got, they removed the bullet in my leg and I found out my left eye was ruined and I have to wear and eye patch for the rest of my life. After that I told them about what I knew and Ozpin was true to his word and let me and Neo go. We left Vale and went to some village on the south side of Vacuo, a few days after the news said that the white fang was captured and Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, and Adam were all behind bars for the rest of their lives. A year after we moved we found out Neo was pregnant with twins and I'm glad they could grow up in a world with out the fear of anyone trying to destroy everything.

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