"This is Ridiculous!"

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Nick and Judy arrived at the Natrualist Club she was so embarrased, how could Nick even think of bringing her here? Nick was starting to sign some papers to get their own room."Nick.. out of all things why did you pick the Natrualist Club? Are you trying to get us fired?" Judy whispered. "Relax, Carrots. You can't get fired for this, and anyways you wanted me to pick a place, and here we are." Nick told her, he was done signing his name when the Zebra at the Customer Service showed them their room and gave them the key. "Ugh.. this wasn't what I mean't.. far from it!" She walked in a room with sunset painted walls plastic grass, and lovely chandelier. She then sat on a couch with fake leaves and vines across it and red cushions, the room screamed irony.  Nick came and sat down next to her. "Come on, what's the big deal? Animals didn't have clothes till we evolved and no one was disturbed by it back then." Nick reassured her, Judy put her paws on her eyes, she was flushed pink at the thought of them with no clothes, Nick was a very playful and sly fox.. today was going to end not like any other day. "This is ridiculous!" Nick put one paw on her shoulder and rubbed her head slowly with another paw. "You bunnies get flustered so easily."

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