I couldn't be happier

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I was on a bit of writers block but I'm good now and don't be afraid to leave suggestions on any ideas you come up with because I can put them in and I will give credit. I'm also going to try something new.

I was sitting in my swivel chair working on my animation when Tord snuck into my room.

Tord's POV (Point of view)

I looked at Edd and my heart started to race. I never really felt this way before. I felt like how Matt feels when he looks in the mirror. (Crazy right or is it just me?) I wish that I didn't have to find out about his feelings by eavesdropping but I'm happy that I did. I took a deep breath and I did what I had to. I spun his swivel chair around and kissed him.

Edd's POV

I was surprised about what just happened and I wasn't sure whether it was a dream or not but I was happy. The kiss shortly ended and I felt my face turn as red as Tord's hoodie.

"T-Tord, what was that for?"

"I heard what you said this morning and I have feelings for you too." I could tell that feelings were a little awkward for him and I smiled slightly.

"Tord, you can tell me anything. You know that." I looked a little confused when Tord kissed his hand then pressed it against my lips. (I'm literally doing this from a short TordEdd comic I saw) I blushed and looked at him.

"Edd, will you be my boyfriend?" It felt weird hearing that since I have lived my whole life having crushes on girls then Tord was the first guy that I fell for so you could say that I'm bisexual.

"Of course I will." I stood up and hugged him. Tom walked past my room and almost gagged. I rolled my eyes.

"Tom, you don't have to watch us if you are just going to gag."

"Then get a room!" Tom yelled. I laughed.

"Tom, we are in my room. You must have drank too much vodka again."

"Whatever." Tom took out a bottle of Smirnoff and drank it. He walked to the living and sat with Matt. 

"Tom is definitely weird sometimes." Tord laughed.

"Like I don't already know that. He's an alcoholic and has anger issues."

"You do too and I'm not complaining." I picked up my sketchbook.

"I could break up with you." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure you will but I have always wanted to teach you how to draw like this." I smiled and showed Tord some sketches.

"You want me to draw?"

"Of course I do." I had Tord take a seat and I grabbed some sketching pencils and pens. I sat next to Tord and smiled.

I'll end this chapter here and I'll continue it soon. I hope that you guys like where this is going.

TordEdd: Just a Crazy Thing (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now