How could this happen to me I made my mistakes

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The idea for this part came from Fanfic-ch4n and I will add a little more to the idea and of course add some jokes so enjoy. This part will probably be long.

I continued to help Tord learn how to draw and I could tell that he was getting better besides his usual hentai.


Paul and Patryk put up wanted posters and saw Edd's house. Paul stuck a cigarette in his mouth and smiled.

"Check out Edd's room from the window to see if he's hiding Tord. " Patryk walked over to where Edd's room was and looked in his room and saw Edd and Tord together then listened to their conversation.

"So how long did you like me?" Tord looked up at Edd.

"Ever since you go put into that car by Paul and Patryk."

"I started to like you then too."


"Yeah I did." Tord moved closer and kissed Edd. Patryk moved away from the window.

"Okay that's enough eavesdropping for me." He walked back to Paul.

"Did you see anything?"

"I saw Tord and he kissed Edd." Paul started to think.

"Interesting. It seems that the only person that Tord cares about is Edd. So if we kidnap Edd then we can get Tord back and let Edd go or just get rid of him." Patryk smirked.

"Good plan."

"I know but it's not my best plan. We'll come back tonight and kidnap Edd." Paul and Patryk left to get their plan ready.

Later that night

Tord was back in his room and was cleaning his guns. Edd was animating as usual and fell asleep. Everyone else in the house fell asleep and Paul and Patryk started their plan. They took Edd and brought him to a warehouse they they tied him up and put a blindfold on him. Edd woke up and saw that he couldn't see or move.

"Is this a Febreeze commercial?" Edd smiled. (I'm sorry I had to put that) Paul rolled his eyes.

"No, you idiot!"

"I just wanted to know." Edd frowned.

"How long do you think that this will take?" Patryk looked at Paul. Paul shrugged.

"Probably sometime tomorrow."

"Can I at least have some Cola?" Edd tried to face Paul and Patryk.

"No!" They both yelled. Edd frowned again.

"You didn't have to be so rude about it."


Tord woke up feeling that something was wrong. He went to Edd's room and Edd wasn't there. Tord knocked on Tom's door.

"What do you want, Tord?" Tom yelled and yawned.

"Edd is gone and I want to know if you know where he went."

"Edd never leaves the house this late." They both started to get worried and went to Matt's then knocked on his door.

"Go away I need my beauty sleep."

"Edd is missing." Matt opened his door with bags under his eyes.

"Let's find some clues to find out what happened to Edd." Matt yawned and they went to Edd's room. Edd's lucky can was sitting on his desk.

"Something definitely happened to Edd because he would never leave his lucky can." Tom looked at Edd's bed and saw his green hoodie.

"Edd must have gotten kidnapped because he will never leave the house without his green hoodie." Matt was running around the room the room like crazy.

"What should we do? What should we do? "What should we do?" Tom got annoyed and punched Matt in the face. Tord laughed.

"My.. my beautiful face.." Matt cried and a black eye started to form.

"You are becoming just like me." Tord smiled.

"I was just annoyed. I won't do it again. Let's go find Edd." Tom crossed his arms.

"Hold up I found something." Tord picked up a cigarette that was on the ground near Edd's bed.

"Paul was here." Tord crunched the cigarette.

I'm ending this chapter here and I hope that you guys liked it and thank you again for the idea. If you have any more comments just let me know. Also thank you for 100 reads!

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