Imagine Two

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You sat beside Sarah as Brendon went to go get more drinks for him and Sarah, Dallon went with him and they were laughing about something stupid, you could tell by the way Brendon was laughing.

You were in a bar on a pier, it was only you, Dallon, Brendon and Sarah besides a few fishermen. Most of the people were down at the begging of the pier where some band was playing a bunch of old rock.

"Babe I want to go see that band" Brendon announced when they got back to your table.

"Okay" Sarah said taking the glass holding the yellow liquid from Dallon's hand.
They started walking down from where all four of you came from.

"Come with me?" Dallon asked.

You nodded standing up and grabbed Dallon's hand, exiting the little bar/shack and walking a few yards to the end of the pier, you could barely hear the shitty band from here, Dallon walked you to the rail looking out into the black ocean. The cold air coming off the ocean gave you chill bumps and made the skirt of your dress fly out behind you.

"Hop up on the rail and look over" Dallon spoke.

"Are you stupid? I can't swim well" You spoke and laughed without humor.

"Y/n I meant the little wood beam here" Dallon said pointing to the piece of wood a foot off the ground.

"Oh" You said and laughed stepping up on it, he wrapped his long fingers around your hip.

"Now look down" Dallon said leaning the front of his body on the rail and looking over. You followed suite and gasped. There was like six huge sharks swimming around.

"Whoa" You spoke softly.

"I know" He said.
You grasped onto his long arm to make sure you didn't fall in.

"It's okay, I won't let you fall y/n" Dallon spoke softly and you could barely hear him over the waves.

"Okay" You told him and leaned into him and breathed in the smell of his body wash and the sea.

Dallon Weekes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now