Imagine Eight

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hello this book is not dead

by thepatricktreestump on tumblr

It's not like you could complain. You knew very well getting into the relationship that it was something you had discussed and come to a consensus on. You weren't allowed to tell people. Not your friends, not his friends, not the internet, not even your family. Dating Dallon Weekes had a lot of ups, but like everything in life, several downs. Whenever he had an interview, sound check, show, or tour, you had to disappear, act like you didn't exist, watch as he soaked up the spotlight.

There were a couple times Brendon caught you sneaking backstage or teased that you were definitely more than a friend, but he knew when to stop most of the time. You also weren't extremely keen on the idea of telling your parents you were dating a musician, mostly because they claimed that wasn't a real job, and were stupid idiots against rock bands or bass players in general. And despite him being extremely tall, somewhat dorky, and a little strange, you loved him a lot. Months passed by, shows came and went, and you and Dallon only got closer. You spent nights out sneaking off to fancy restaurants or dancing in the rain, sleeping in a hotel room while he sang you lullabies or sharing secrets late at night, calling each other when he was too far away to visit, careful not to expose yourselves to anyone. You claimed to be just a friend, when in all honesty, you were so much more. Dallon even claimed you as one of the most amazing things that had happened to him.

You had both established the secret due to the media, your friends' antics, and hate from your parents. However, days passed and the two of you only grew even closer, and it seemed like you couldn't hide it anymore. That's why you were a bit agitated when Dallon tried to keep up the act in the dressing room after the show one night when Brendon pestered you with questions.

"You're saying you guys aren't a thing?" Brendon narrowed his eyes. "I clearly spotted you both kissing after the show. I'm not a dumbass."

"Yeah, you really kind of are," Dallon joked.
"Shut up, daddy long legs," Brendon snapped. "I want to hear it from y/n."

"I told you already, we're just friends," you sighed, noting the way Dallon's eyes never seemed to leave yours, as if he was careful to make sure you didn't say the wrong words.

"That's awful friendly for just friends," Brendon smirked. "I can't imagine what else you do after shows."

"Either way, it doesn't concern you," Dallon shrugged. "I don't see why you should care."

"Romeo's getting a little feisty, isn't he y/n?" Brendon chuckled, giving you a playful jab in the side. "Are you going to shut him up with a kiss for me?"

"Brendon," you groaned. "Just give it up already. Okay? We're just friends. That's it. I'm not telling you again."

"I bet you guys have done lots of stuff when I'm not looking," Brendon nodded his head slowly. "I bet it gets a lot more exciting than kissing, too. Doesn't it, Dallon?"

"I think you should learn to be quiet once in a while," he rolled his eyes. "I don't constantly tease you about Sarah."

"That's because we don't deny it," Brendon explained. "You and y/n, you act like you're keeping some huge secret or whatever. I'm not blind. Lips on lips only leads to hips on hips."

"That's enough," you laughed. "Come on, Dallon. Let's go get something to eat."

"Dinner date?" Brendon raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like one to me."

"Whatever," Dallon shook his head. "I'll see you tomorrow Brendon."

"Have fun," Brendon waved you goodbye as you dragged Dallon out of the dressing room. "Not too much fun."

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