Milans P.O.V
I'm sleeping in my king-sized bed when my alarm went off for school..I groaned and got outta bed to start the day off.
I went in the bathroom brushed my teeth washed my face and got in the shower. Once I got out , I put on lotion and looked for something to wear. I decided on wearing my gray and black adidas crop top sweater with the matching pants and my air Jordan's retro 12's. I decided to leave my hair straight and got my black SnapBack that said boss in gold letters I did light make-up meaning I just did my eyebrows and a little lipstick and headed downstairs to see my momma and my brother and sister eating and talking.
Mom: hey Lala
Milan: hey ma , kory , and jay
Aeija & Kory: Hey Lala
Mom:you eating breakfast ?
Milan: nope , Imma head to school to meet my friends. You coming Aeija?
Aeija: yeah Hold up lemme get my back pack.
Milan:okay I'll be in the carAeija's P.O.V
I ran up stairs and quickly grabbed my purse before Lala left me Cus that little girl is impatient and will leave you in a heart beat. I grabbed my phone and charger and ran outside to the car. I got a text message from my ex boyfriend , Nas his real name is Nasir but everyone calls him Nas. The text read:
832-444-5677: Baee answer me please I'm sorry😭
Aeija: First off , I'm not yo bae , second don't be texting me blowing up my phone and apologizing for your mistakes that really ain't have no reason to be made so fuck you and move tf on✋🏾👌🏾
*Text Convo Over*I deleted his number from my messages and Milan noticed I wasn't in the mood.
Milan: Jayy what's wrong ?
Aeija: nothing
Milan: 😒I know you like the back of my hand ! Wassup!!!!
Aeija: Nas keeps texting me and it's getting annoying I tried blocking him he just keeps on texting me.I yelled aggravated. Milan sensed my anger and dropped the subject. We finally pulled up to the school and I hopped out the car and went along about with my boring ass day at school.
Milan's P.O.V
I got out the car , locked it and walk into the building I seen my ex standing by my locker his name is Jeremiah , he fine asf! Light brown eyes , perfect Lightskin complection , perfect white teeth juss so uughh😍 but I had to drop his ass cus he honestly thought he could just cheat on my with some stealer-weaved hoe and we'll be all buddy-buddy..HELL NAHH!
Jeremiah: wassup love ?
Milan: why you by my locker kid?
Jeremiah: I don't get no hey ? OUCH!
He pretending hurt holding his chest.
Milan: hell no you can get a goodbye though😊
I said with a smile.
Jeremiah: look ma , I know I fucked up but it wasn't even like I meant it I was drunk and high asf and the lil broad was all up on my and I couldn't stop it.
He told me looking dead in my eyes.
Milan: is it that you couldn't stop it or you didn't want to ? But it honestly don't matter no more I'm done with you and you need to be done with me and move on they got a lot of girls in here drooling over you so gone talk to them and not waste my time.I told him walking off I heard him saying my name I just ignored him and walked to the bench my friends kaitlyn, Makayla , Jada , Dre , Maurice , Boobie , Cash.
Cash: waddup Lala
Milan: waddup Y'all what y'all was doing ?
Jada: talkingShe said eyeing Boobie I just started laughing Cus he might have sum going on. Crazy ass.
Milan: Waddup Boobie why she eyeing you bout ready to slice yo ass?
Boobie: Cus she crazy as a mufuka !
I laughed
Jada: No Boobie tell her
Bobbie: Ight , so I got this girl I wanna talk to but ion know what she like.
He said all shyly I laughed and cooed in his face
Milan: aww Boobie in looovvvveee😍They laughed and he gave me a death glare.
Boobie: Hell nah I ain't in love shawty juss bad 😛.
Milan: mhmmm😒
Dre: Boobie going soft on us aww shit I need a blunt.
I laughed
Milan: yo dumb ass gone light a blunt on school campus ?
Dre: oh shit nvm yeah Imma wait...😅He stupid asf. The school bell ran and we all said our goodbyes and headed to class I was sorta in a rush so I was midway running until I bumped into a hard ass chest and damn near broke my damn face. When i looked up it was this fine ass lightskin with good ass hair and we had the same color eyes I was in awe😍 until he snapped out of my thoughts.
????: sorry ma , you good ?
Milan: I'm good.
????: well Ight I gotta go my name cazmiere but you can call me caz.
Milan: okay and Milan.
I told him and he nodded walking away and all I could think was damn😍nigga fine dena bihh but I need to go class. After school me and aeija met back up at my car and I was talking with the crew.Aeija: hey y'all
Us: Waddup Aeija
Aeija: nun much but Milan I'm reading to go.When she said that she winked and leaned her head to the side and I looked in that direction and there stood her birch ass ex boyfriend Nasir😒so I dapped up the boys and hugged my girls and drove home. Once I got home my momma was sitting on the sofa looking like she was pissed off and was crying.
Milan: momma wats wrong ?
Mom: nothing baby just go upstairs or what ever you was Finna do
I did as told and went to Aeija's room to tell her about cazmiere 😛Aeija: so that's it y'all just exchanged names when y'all bumped into each other..
Milan: yup
I said popping the 'p'
Aeija: GET OUT!
Milan:*laughs* Okay but what you want to eat ?
Aeija: nothing I'm not hungry.When she said that I got instantly worried Cus my sister may not have a stomach but she a fat ass
Milan: Jayy wats wrong ?
Aeija: nothing boo I'm just tired okay ?
Milan: okayI left out her room and fixed me a bowl of cereal. Yes I eat cereal any time in the damn day ion care I'm just that bitch. After I was done I got a message from and unknown number:
713-442-3434: Waddup ma
Me: who is this
713-442-3434: this Cazmiere
My mouth instantly dropped and I got all nervous. But like for why ?Me: oh , how u get my number ?
713-442-3434: my brother
Me: who's your brother ?
713-442-3434: ChrisChris is cash's real name. I was a little mad at cash for giving up my number without asking but I didn't care Cus Ol' dude was fine so I brushed it off.
Me: oh
713-442-3434: yeah so save my number Cus we gone be texting for a while
When he said that I instantly smiled like tf ?
Me:umm okay😅I saved his number under 'Cazzy😅😊'
Cazzy😅😊: yeah I'll hit you up later though ma
Me: okayI went into my room put my phone on the charger and started my stupid ass homework but I instantly started wondering what my life would be like if my dad was in my life..
*so umm yea I don't know how to write books like these professionals I just write what pops up in my head but uhh yeah*💋😘