Bionic Showdown: Pt. 1

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Adam, Bree, Chase, and I ran into the lab cheering. "Guys, that was just prevented the biggest oil spill in history." Leo said walking over to us. "Pretty slick, huh?" Chase said and I rolled my eyes. "If only we could prevented that disaster of a pun." Leo said fake smiling and walking away to his 'mission specialist' desk. "Hey, uh Mr. Davenport. Anything you'd like to say to us, rhymes with, "good job"?" Bree said with Mr. Davenport walking towards us. "The answers in the clue." Adam whispered loudly to Mr. Davenport while getting close to his face. "What were you guys thinking?" Mr. Davenport asked us and I looked at him curious. "Nope. Not even close. Two more guesses." Adam said and I whacked him in the back of his head. "You completely ignored my mission plan, improvised everything, and jeopardized the entire mission." He told us walking off but we followed him. "Mr. Davenport, we bust our butts all the time. And all you do is sit around the lab making lists of what we did wrong." I told him and my siblings nodded, agreeing with me. "I do not just sit around making lists of "things you did wrong"." Mr. Davenport said looking down at his clipboard and realizing that we were right. "That's true. He also practices tai quan do in his tighty- whities." Leo said disgusted and I rub his shoulder while trying to contain my laugh. "They are not tighty-whities. They are breathable exercise briefs." Mr. Davenport corrected Leo looking embarrassed. "Whatever they are, keep your sweeping high kicks away from my screen." Eddie said and I looked weirded out but I still wanted to laugh. "Look, you guys got lucky this time, but without my precise planning you're opening yourselves up for disaster. So just follow my orders." Mr. Davenport said walking off. "Well maybe your orders aren't always right." Chase said and I crossed my arms looking at Mr. Davenport's back since he was turned around. He slowly turns to look at us and Leo looked at us with his eyes going wide. "Um, excuse me?" Mr. Davenport said raising his voice a little bit. "He said, "well maybe your orders aren't--" Adam was repeating but Mr. Davenport cut him off. "I HEARD HIM!" He yelled before walking off. I then set my stuff down and went to my capsule to get changed and ready for school. When I got out I grabbed my backpack and left with Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo, to go upstairs.

"Hey guys, don't forget. Training after school, 4:00 pm sharp. " Mr. Davenport told us when we got upstairs. "Oh okay, Mr. Davenport. Wouldn't want to miss another opportunity for you to tell us everything we are doing wrong." I said walking up to the counter. "Oh, and while we're on the subject, do we need a detailed plan to get home from school? Oh, and what are these things were carrying with words in them?" Bree asked Mr. Davenport while holding up a book. "Oooh." Chase said and I chuckled. "So this is how it's gonna be from now on? You're just gonna mock everything I say?" Mr. Davenport asked us. "I don't know. Are we? Seriously guys, are we? I missed that part of the plan." Adam said and I rolled my eyes at him. "Come on, guys. Let's go to school." Chase said and we started walking off. "Oh, are we going to school now?" Adam mocked Chase. "Adam, don't mock us. Just him." Chase told Adam. But before they could say anything else I walked out of the house. When they got outside we all walked to school.


Adam, Bree, Chase, and I went to the lab for training at 4:00 pm like Mr. Davenport told us but he wasn't down in the lab.  So we just hung out. Adam was on the laptop with popcorn so Bree, Chase, and I decided to prank him. Chase used his telekinesis to move Adam's bowl of popcorn then Chase moved the bowl over Adam's head. "Stop it, Chase." Adam said and I smirked. We messed around with him until Chase dumped the bowl of popcorn all over Adam and I laughed so hard, I was in tears. I turned invisible so Adam wouldn't notice me and walked behind him. "You two and your new abilities. How come I haven't unlocked one yet?" Adam asked. 'Same here Adam. I haven't unlocked one yet either.' "Adam, why don't we talk about a new ability once you've mastered keeping all the saliva in your mouth." Chase said and I nodded. I then appeared and yelled making Adam jump. "You know what I want? The ability to talk to raccoons. There's something going on there that we don't know about." Adam said then walked back to the laptop. "Hey. Where's Mr. Davenport? We were supposed to start training half an hour ago." Chase said and I nodded. "Yeah. He's never late for training. Maybe Dani and I should go check around the house." Bree said and her and I super sped around the house looking for Mr. Davenport. He was no where to be seen. When we got back to the lab, Leo almost feel with the wind from Bree and I super speeding. "Would it kill y'all to keep it under 55?" Leo asked Bree and I, so I just shrugged. "We couldn't find Mr. Davenport anywhere." I said and Bree nodded. "Have you looked closely?" Leo asked and I gave him a glare. We were all talking about Mr. Davenport missing so we decided to ask Eddie. We all walked over to Eddie's screen but it went all crazy and Marcus (not Dobre) showed up on the screen. "Don't bother. I deactivated him hours ago." He told us. "Marcus." Leo said shocked. "He's got his own tv show? What channel is this?"  Adam said and I rolled my eyes then turned back to Marcus on eddie's screen. "How did he get--" Bree asked but I cut her off. "What do you want, Marcus?" I asked him angry. "I'm just checking on my favorite bionic friends, princess." He said smirking at me and I scoffed, but then I realized. How did he know we were bionic? "He knows we're bionic?" Chase asked us and I became suspicious. "I don't-- I mean-- that is--wow." Leo stuttered and I rolled my eyes. "I heard you were looking for your daddy. He's right here." Marcus told us moving away from the screen to show Mr. Davenport in a cage. "And if you ever want to see him again,  I suggest you come get him." Marcus told us. "Guys, don't fall for it. It's a tr--" Mr. Davenport was telling us but got cut off by Marcus turning off the screen. "Whoa." "I know." "I can't believe this." "I know." "This is crazy." I know" Adam, Bree, Chase, and I said. "Adam, that is so annoying." Chase said and I nodded. "I know!" Adam said again. "I told you Marcus was evil. 'Leo, he's a nice guy. Leo, give the guy a break.' Wool, eyes, pulled over." Leo said mocking us. "Look Leo, we're sorry we didn't believe you." Chase said and I nodded. "I don't get it. What would Marcus possibly want with Mr. Davenport?" I asked curious. "I know, it doesn't make sense. Why would someone hold an incredibly wealthy man against his will?" Adam asked and I sighed. "It doesn't matter. We have to go rescue him." Chase said and I nodded. "No worries, this is gonna be easy. Marcus is just a scrawny, little twerp. Even Chase could take him. Actually , on second thought, we all should go." Adam said and I rolled my eyes, before going to my capsule to check into my mission suit. "Uh, guys? Before you go, there may be one teensy, tiny thing I forgot to mention. Marcus is also bionic." Leo told us and my eyes went wide. "What?" Adam, Bree, Chase, and I said together shocked. "And he has all of your abilities combined." Leo told us and I was still shocked. "Are you serious?" I asked. "Whoa." Chase said and I nodded. "I know." Adam said and I looked at him annoyed. "Leo, how could you not tell us how Marcus is bionic?" Bree asked and I nodded crossing my arms. "To be fair, he doesn't tell anyone we're bionic." Adam said. "I wanted to tell you, but he threatened to report your secret to the authorities." Leo said. "That makes sense. He was just looking out for us." Chase said making a point. "We have to figure out a way to take Marcus down." Adam said and I nodded. "Wait. I know something that might help. Davenport was gonna surprise you with new, even better mission suits." Leo told us and I smiled. "Again? Where does this guy find the time to sew?" Adam asked. We walked over to Leo at his desk. "The new suits are way more protective. They were designed to withstand just about anything. Enemy fire, scorching heat, mustard stains. That ones for you, Adam." Leo said and I nodded. "Nice. What's it do for Italian vinaigrette? That's my real enemy." Adam said and I shrugged. "Come on, guys. Let's go suit up." Chase said and we ran to our capsules, getting in. Leo pressed a bit on the control pad and are capsules changed us into our new mission suits. We got out and admired our new suits. "Finally. Something that doesn't make me look like part of a French circus." Bree said and I chuckled. "These are awesome. Look they come in men's, woman's, and junior misses." Adam said pointing at all of us to show who the sizes were for. "Guys, how are we supposed to pull this off? We've never had to fight against bionics before. We're not trained for it." I said and crossed my arms sighing. "I guess we do need Mr. Davenport" chase said and I nodded looking down. "I got this. I can't train you, but I can guide you. I've been in that lair, so I can help you navigate on the com set." Leo said and I reached in grabbing a ear phone from the box. "Good call. Okay, guys. You ready to do this?" Chase asked and I nodded. We all ran to the door but stopped when we realized Leo was following. I grabbed him by the shoulder lightly and pulled him back to the desk. "I'm sorry. I just got caught up in the moment." He said and we let him go, then left.

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