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I heard the wheels of the plane touch the pavement, we were landing.

I bit my lower lip, I was finally in Paris, I was going to be three months away from my parents, from the sadness, from the regrets. I wanted to become a new person in Paris, I wanted to be different and to feel, see and do things I’ve never felt, seen or done before or never brought myself to.

When I was in the taxi I felt a little bit nervous, I was alone in a big city. I let out a heavy breath and closed my eyes, I was going to be okay I couldn’t back down; I couldn’t miss this experience just because I was afraid.

I arrived to the hotel I would be staying in for those three months. It was a beautiful hotel, its floor was made of white marble just like the huge stairs I had in front of me, the people that surrounded me were talking or walking around. The place smelled like something I had never smelt before, it was beautiful and unique like the smell of a new CD or a new book, I was sure I wasn’t going to find another scent like that one never again. There were big chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and there were red sofas where I could see a man reading a newspaper and a woman having a talk with another woman. I loved this place, it was so magical and unreal, it looked like one of those glamorous hotels that you only see in vintage movies.

The sound of It’s In Her Kiss by The Swinging Blue Jeans captured my attention, it came from a big room and there were a lot of people dancing and having fun. Was this place real or was I dreaming?

I smiled when I saw an old couple dancing together, they seemed so in love. I sighed and carried my suitcases as I walked to the counter to get my keys.

“Hello, I have a reservation under the name Rose Harlow,” I smiled at the short, brunette girl.

“Your suite is number 213, second floor,” the girl said and handed me the keys.

“Thank you,” I grabbed the keys and a tall blond man appeared behind me, startling me a little bit,

The girl laughed softly, “He’s going to help you with your suitcases,”

I laughed with her, threw my bag to my back and started walking behind the tall man in red uniform.

We got in the big elevator and I started playing with the keys, I needed to plan what I was going to do next.

When we arrived to my suite he placed the suitcases next to the door and I gave him a tip before he left.

When I was in the elevator I imagined how my suite would be, but I never imagined it to be this big and beautiful.

I took a few steps forward and saw two steps that leaded to what seemed to be my bedroom; I went up the steps and looked around me to see how my bedroom was. The walls were white along with the sheets and the big rug that was on the floor. The floor was wooden and there was a balcony. I opened the crystal doors of the balcony and saw that there were two chairs and a small table, and there were beautiful flowers everywhere.

I put my hands on the cold railing and looked out. The city was alive, I could see the cars, the people, the shops, everything.

I took my left hand up to my chest and smiled, this was my city, all for me. I was excited and couldn’t wait to explore a little bit, but before I had to finish checking my suite out.

I walked down the steps and saw the front door and the two white couches, there was a television and a fireplace, and there also was a big shelf full of books and vinyl albums. I found the bathroom, it had a white bathtub and there were a lot of samples of soaps, perfumes and shampoo and, of course, a lot of white towels. I walked out the bathroom and took a few steps to my right to find the dining room, there was a chandelier on the ceiling and a large table with chairs and there were candles on the table.

What would my father think of this place? Would he like it or would he despise it? He despised everything I did and everything I was. I covered half of my face with my hand and huffed, I was in Paris to be away from him and his hostility, but I couldn’t get him out of my head.

I decided to take a long bath and relax before deciding where to go, I couldn’t wait to explore Paris, the city of love on my own, but who cares? I didn’t need anyone, right?

Lights. Camera. Paris (Laylor Short Book)Where stories live. Discover now