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Everywhere I went was beautiful, magical, artistic… I felt inspired to levels I had never felt before. I smelt scents I had never smelt before, I saw things I had never seen before.

I walked down the street and stopped next to a bakery, there was a sweet smell coming from it and it was the smell of fresh-out-of-the-oven bread. I loved that smell; it made me remember my childhood. I smiled at the memory of my mom baking and me playing with our dog Sky on the floor of the kitchen, way before I started to realize things, but I guess that’s what growing up is about, realizing things.

I kept walking through busy streets, I must say that I’ve always felt a little bit overwhelmed by being surrounded by people, but I was slowly getting over it. Then I realized I was alone in a big, unknown city, what if I got lost? I stopped walking, took a deep breath and calmed down, I needed to do this, I couldn’t keep living with fear. Going to Paris alone was such a big deal for me and I was enjoying it but sometimes I would get really, really scared of walking down the street alone or being alone. I had always been like that though, even when I was a child, I was always afraid of doing new things and part of that fear came from being afraid of disappointing my parents, mostly my mother. And when I told I was going to go to Paris alone I was afraid of them not approving it, but I did anyways and I was so proud of myself for taking that step.

I took the map out of my handbag and searched the nearest museum in it, I felt like learning a little bit.

I had to walk thirty minutes but I finally got there, it was huge, really, really huge and beautiful. The frontage was painted in soft yellow and had a lot of big windows; there was a wide stair that led to the front door and there was lawn surrounding the building with benches and paths, I saw people sitting on the benches but there was someone that caught my eye, it was a boy with messy brown hair and a beard, he was sitting on the lawn and he was drawing something but he seemed lost in his thoughts. I shook my head; it’s rude to stare at people.

I walked in the museum and it has to be one of the most wonderful things I’ve seen in my whole life, there were paintings everywhere along with some marvelous sculptures, there wasn’t even one of the lamps that hanged from the ceiling on, the light that came through the huge windows was more than enough.

I walked slowly as I stared at the paintings, they were so perfect, even the ones that looked chaotic. I liked art in any form, so bad that my father couldn’t understand my love for art.

When I finished seeing all the paintings and sculptures it was eight in the afternoon and it was kind of hungry so I readjusted the handbag on my shoulder and walked out of the museum. I took the map out of it again, I know it’d be easier if I just searched on my phone but I preferred maps and I forgot to bring my phone with me that evening.

I decided to give up after five minutes, I have never had patience, so I looked around to find someone and ask them and I saw that boy again, he was still sitting on the lawn drawing on this sketchbook.  I walked toward him but he didn’t notice me so I cleared my throat and hoped for him to speak English.

“Hello, um, do you speak English?” I asked him.

He stopped drawing and looked up at me, he smiled and a few crinkles formed by his amazing blue eyes.

“Yes, yes, I do,” he answered with a light French accent.

He got up from the lawn and brushed his worn out jeans with his hands.

“Can you tell me where’s the nearest McDonalds?” I asked and laughed when I realized how stupid I sounded asking him that.

“I’m not really good at, um, telling people where to go,” he answered rubbing the back of his neck, “but I can take you there,”

I hesitated before answering; he was a stranger, a cute stranger though.

I smiled, “okay, thank you,” I said as I slid the map back inside my handbag.

He crouched and picked his sketchbook and bag from the lawn, “follow me,”

I followed him to his car, it was a really old white car, but I guess it was better than nothing. I was surprised when he opened the door of the car for me. When he was inside the car he turned the radio on and I recognized the song immediately, Brand New Day by Kodaline

“Do you like Kodaline?” I asked as I fastened my seatbelt.

“Not really, just this song, the melody’s beautiful,” he answered and then started the car.

“This one’s my favorite song of them,” I said to myself and I thought he didn’t hear it but I heard him chuckle.

I hummed along the song and started thinking about what was happening. I was in a car with a stranger and I wasn’t even sweating or nervously biting my nails, that was good; I just hoped he wasn’t one of those serial killers…And that’s when I started biting my nails, I had to think about something else.

“I saw you were drawing,” I said looking at him.

“I was trying to draw but I can’t find, um,” he stopped and stared at me for a second, “inspiration…” he said in a whisper I barely could hear him.

He blinked a few times before he stopped staring at me and focused on the road. I looked outside the window; he wasn’t driving really fast so I could see people walking and other cars.

“How can you not like Kodaline?” I suddenly asked, I wasn’t even planning on asking him that but I couldn’t understand why he didn’t like them.

He laughed, “What’s so wrong about me not liking them?”

“They are awesome,” I said, slightly offended.

“The Lumineers are  awesome, Kodaline are not even near to their awesomeness,” He stated.

Okay, I was fully offended.

“The Lumineers? They’re a one hit wonder band!” I said, scratching my bare knees.

“Kodaline who? They aren’t and will never be as successful as The Lumineers,” he defended.

I frowned and then sighed, “You know what? I’m only giving up because you’re driving me to Mcdonalds,”

“You’re giving up because Kodaline sucks,” he laughed,

I rolled my eyes, “so what’s your name?”

“Aloys,” he answered as he stopped the car.

“Well Aloys, thank you so much for taking me to Mcdonalds,” I said as I stepped out of the car.

When I circled the car I heard him talk.

“Wait! What’s your name?” He asked through the window.

I wasn’t going to tell him my name; he didn’t need to know it.

“My name is um…Michelle!” I lied.

“Can I invite you to dinner?” he asked.

I widened my eyes and then blinked a few times, there was no way I was going to have dinner with a stranger.

“Okay,” I answered.

But I needed to let go of that old, scared Rose and having dinner with a stranger was going to help me. He smiled and got out of the car, this was definitely going to be interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2013 ⏰

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