In the Heart of the Storm: Chapter One

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Life on Elios is a dangerous one.

Anything and everything lives on this planet, from the fanged undead known as Vampyres, to the aquatic sea-breathers known as Merpeople. Some races are a bit more mysterious and unknown, like the cold-loving werewolves that live in the frigid mountains to the North and tend to keep to themselves.

I fall into this category.

My name is Storm and I have just turned eighteen years old.

The time has come for me to determine my position within our werewolf pack. It is my decision; I can either simply submit to the alphas of my pack and become a beta or an omega, or I can challenge the alpha female to try and obtain that position myself.

Now, I have never been one to let others take advantage of me, and I didn't plan on letting them now.

Just like every other eighteenth birthday, everyone was gathered in the center of town, forming a large circle in the middle. The betas were crowded towards the inside of the circle, while the omegas kept on the outskirts of the group, hesitantly trying to peek into the clearing every now and then.

I stood towards the middle, directly facing the alpha pair in the center. Very few people decided to challenge the alphas, so when stared right into the female's eyes and quickly took shape into my wolf form, head held high, I heard everyone gasp and murmur amongst themselves.

I shook out my thick, shining silver coat and lifted my tail high, ears erect. The male leader gently touched the female's shoulder and then backed up until he was standing on the inside of the circle. This alpha pair wasn't and had never been romantically involved (that was the choice of the alphas), but they had been the leaders for many years now. I had never had anything against them, but after being a juvenile werewolf for so long, I was now ready to let my leadership show.

The female soon transformed into her wolf, standing tall. She was much older than me, by about twenty years to be exact, and she was larger than me and generally had more experience in many things.

We stood facing one another and waited for a signal from one or the other to show we were ready; I made the first move by flattening my ears and baring my teeth with a low growl.

She immediately responded by snarling and lunging at me, her sharp teeth slashing into the muscle at my shoulder. I yelped and instantly countered her attack with a quick bite onto the side of her neck, latching on and shaking harshly. I knew that sometimes battles for an alpha position were to the death, so I didn't let go of her neck, using all my force to knock her onto her side.

She huffed as the air left her body, thrashing about angrily as I bit down harder onto the side of her neck.

My opponent snarled and snapped back at my ear, taking off a small chunk from the side. I winced and let go of her, darting a few steps away to shake my head; blood had dripped down into my eye and blurred my vision.

I panted, watching her with my good eye, satisfied at how long I had remained attached to her neck and how much damage I had done during those moments.

The other wolf growled menacingly at me and abruptly leaped at me, throwing me to the ground and landing both of us into the crowd. Some people were cheering for me, and some for the current alpha female.

The she-wolf snapped down at my face, just barely missing one of my eyes, but catching the side of my face and tearing a deep gash into my skin. Blinded by pain and determination, I snarled, the sound echoing off the houses. Using every last bit of my strength, I shoved her off of me and stood over her body, my jaws anchored deathly tight around the tender part of her throat.

She stopped moving and slowly realized that I could kill her with one clench of my teeth. I remained there, not daring to move, knowing that even though she was worn down, she could still take my life if I gave her one second of weakness.

Seconds passed and she slowly exposed her stomach, shame in her eyes as she knew that she had lost her position as leader.

Sure that I had proven my power, I loosened my hold on her throat and let her go, stepping away so she could stand. With her tail between her legs, she acknowledged my newly-aquired position by laying down her ears and crouching low to the snow.

Unsure of what to do, the crowd remained silent at first, but soon began clapping and cheering for my accomplishment.

I lifted my head high, proud of myself.

Our blood painted the snow in splotches, showing how hard we had both fought and telling the story of my new position as alpha female.

(Okay! I know that this chapter was mainly focused on the alpha fight, but the coming chapters will delve deeper into the characters and such. Hope you enjoyed! :) Comment if you'd like.)

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