(18) Challenge for the Play

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"Matsuzaki-Chan, please type this article for stories section.."

"Hai, Shigetaka-Senpai.."

It's already been two weeks since then, I had maintained proper distance from Seijuro since then. I would only greet him, I tried to not end up in an odd situation with him. I always take up jobs of Class Representative completely to myself. 

"Hey! Nozumi-Chan! Nozumi-Chan!" 

"Ehh?! Huh!? Terumi-Chan!? What happened?"

"Where is your mind, Nozumi!? I have been calling you since forever.."

"Ohh... I'm sorry.."

"Is there something troubling you? You can always speak to me!"

"N-No... Nothing at all.."

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes, I'm! Ne, Terumi-Chan... Wanna come to Nagasaki this Saturday? To my hometown?"

"Hmm... Let me ask my mom!"


I completed my work in Mass Media Club and started to walk home alone. Shintaro was busy in Basket Ball practice, so I usually walk home alone. While I was at it, I heard Satsuki's voice from behind me.



"Zumi-Chan, Why don't you come to see the practice anymore? Are you angry about something!? Did I do something!?"  

"Satsuki, Calm down! You didn't do anything! I was just busy with this and that.."

"Really!? You are not angry, are you!?"

"Nope, not at all!"


"Where are you going?"

"I'm taking Kuroko-Kun to gymnasium? Eh, where is he!?"

"I'm here.."

"EHHH!?" We both said in unison.

"Well... I'm Matsuzaki Nozumi, Nice to meet you Kuroko-Kun.."

"Hello, I'm Kuroko Tetsuya... Nice to meet you too."

"Ne, Satsuki... Wanna go Nagasaki this Saturday with me?"

"Ehhh!? Nagasaki!? Yes!"

"Fine then, Let's go! I'll contact you later, bye!"

"Bye-Bye, Zumi-Chan!"

I walked back home, while I thought I'll call my mom.

"Zumi? How are you?"
"I'm fine mom... How is dad, you & Hito?"

"They are good.."
"Hey, mom! I'm bringing two friends of mine, this Saturday!"
"Sure, no problem.."
"Okay, Mom! Byee!"

*Time Skip - Saturday*

"Gomen! Zumi-Chan, Were you waiting for long?"

"Nope! Satsuki, this is Terumi Rakuyama she is my classmate and my friend.."

"And Terumi, this is Satsuki Momoi... She is the manager of the basketball team and my friend.."

"Helllooo, Terumi-Chan!"

'Boarding for Flight N804, from Tokyo to Nagasaki will commence in 10 minutes. Passengers are requested to reach Gate 7B. Thank you.' 

"Let's go!" 

We reached home in 3 hours, on our way to Nagasaki Terumi and Satsuki became good friends as well. I was really happy to have them come to my hometown. 

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