I'm done

960 26 11

Ross' P.O.V:

"I put a lot of thought into this and I've decided to go off on my own" I tried to sound confident and sure as I spoke to Adam.
Adam looked upset like he was watching his best friend being denied to their dream collage.

"Why now?" He asked "because..." This was the question I dreaded when running the conversation through my mind. "I understand" Adam sighed. He gave me a weak smile.

"OK... See you around Ross" and with that he walked out of the room. I felt nostalgic packing away all my collectables.

I had some great times here,
I've also had the worst times here.
But now it doesn't matter.

I said my goodbyes to the guys at the offices and left.

This may be the end of this story but it's the beginning of a new one for me.

The End

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