Chapter 3:

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I walked downstairs to see Austin in the kitchen sitting on the dinning room table.

"what are you doing Austin?"

"well umm you said you was hungry and I'm not much of a chef but I was making you some popcorn"

I thought why would he do this for me, I mean we just met and we don't know each other but it was still sweet.

"aw thanks Austin but you didn't have to"

"it's ok, I want some anyway you'll just have to share with me"

After Austin cooked the popcorn we headed upstairs to Alex's room. I thought I would hear a video game, the tv, music or at least some noise. But no nothing at all. Austin and I both gave each other curious faces. Austin opened up the door quietly to find Alex asleep. He must have been really tired because it was only three minutes ago that I went downstairs to go get Austin.

"aww he must have been tired"

"let's mess with him"

I started to laugh and so did Austin

"no Austin that's mean..... Well maybe I should give him pay back for always messing with me"

"I'll go grab the marker"

Austin went through Alex's drawers looking for a marker.after searching he found one

"ah ha"

Austin told me to draw the first thing. So I drew a mustache.

"aw carliegh doesn't Alex look good with a mustache?"

Austin said sarcastically.

I just laughed and we continued to draw on Alex , and might I say he didn't look to shabby when we were done.

After a little while of just sitting in Alex's room I got bored then I heard Austin speak up.

"hey Caliegh, do you want to go down stairs and watch tv?"

"yea let's let Alex sleep he deserves it after we drew on him and made him watch that movie."

We started to laugh then we walked downstairs to the living room to watch tv.


When we came downstairs and we sat down on the couch.

"what do you want to watch Carliegh?"

"it doesn't matter but I usually watch MTV"

"me to I love that channel exspecially Wild N Out and Ridiculousness.

"me too!"

After awhile we just sat there watched tv and talked. I liked hanging out with Austin he seemed like a cool guy. He was funny,smart,had a great smile,was cute, wait wait wait hold up what am I taking about I barely know the guy how could I like him. It was probably just in the moment I'll get it over it. I started to get really cold for some reason.

"Im freezing!"

"really? I'm not cold at all"

"yea feel my hands"

Wait maybe I shouldn't have said that after all I'm already thinking I have feelings for him even though I've know him for like 9 hours. Tell him to do that will probably make it worse. Then he did it he grabbed my hands and squeezed them, his hands were warm I don't know why I was cold.

"yea your hands are cold do you want a blanket?, I could go get you one"

"it's ok it totally fine"

"no no I insist I mean I don't want you to get cold"

"thanks Austin"

"your welcome"

I guess Austin walked up to Alex's room because he came down stairs with a blanket that looked familiar, I think it was in Alex's closet.

"thanks Austin"

"no need to thank me"

I looked at the clock to find it reading 2:04, I didn't realize I've been up this long I guess it was cause I was with Austin. I started feeling really tired and I drifted of to sleep.


The next morning I woke up in the guest bedroom. I sat up stretched my arms and took a big yawn.

"how did I get up here?" I thought "I fell asleep on the couch"

I don't know but for some reason I woke up with a smile on my face. I rolled over to read a clock that read 12:34 am "wow I though I would have slept in later considering I didn't go to bed till 4:30 am"

I looked at the clock to double check the clock to find a note sitting beside it labeled Carliegh:).

Dear Carliegh,

Your probably wondering how you got in the guest bed, well last night you fell asleep in the couch. I didn't want to leave you there by yourself, so I didn't leave and stayed with you on the couch. About 30 minuets after you fell asleep I scooped you up in my arms, carried you upstairs and tucked you in. I mean I didn't want you to be downstairs by yourself. I just wanted to tell you what happened so you don't think you slept walked, haha, well that's pretty much what I have to say so since your reading this probably in the morning. Good morning :)


Why is he doing all this stuff for me I mean why would he like me. But all i could do was smile, i could stop smiling, it was the most sweetest thing anyone has done for me. I've only knew him for less than a day and I'm totally falling for him. I know it sounds crazy but I can't doubt it, the way his hair sits perfectly on this forehead, his perfect smile, and how he was so sweet to me. Yes I admit it now I'm starting to like Austin, I couldn't doubt it anymore. I'm not going to tell anyone though not Alex or Sarah. Because Austin and Alex are so close they tell each other everything and Sarah and Alex tell each other everything. I don't want Austin to find out one he would never like me back and two he might think I'm crazy being that we've only known each other for less than a day. But all I know is that I was falling for him quick and I don't know what to do. His name is on replay in my head and all I would be thinking about all day would be Austin.


I love this chapter because even though carliegh has only known Austin for a day she is admitting her feelings toward him.<3

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