Chapter 1: The Fall

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Crash! All is Black, there is nothing that I can see. Is that yellow I see? and green! Yes! Life! "Howdy, I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower! I should teach you the Underground laws! Law Number 1: in this world it's KILL OR BE KILL!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!" WAPOW! A fire ball burns Flowey and a monster comes in sight, but she looks like a goat-human thing. "What a horrible creature torturing such a innocent youth" it says, yes someone understands me "My child, what is thy name?" It asks, Thy name? Wait, what is my name? "Thy name is Oliver" I answer, The great tale of Oliver, heh, no one would read it "Poor boy-"I cut her of "I'M NOT A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!" WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS?!?! CALL ME A BOY?!?!? "Oh I am very sorry Oliver" She looks really sorry too, I turn around, just to see stairs, Is that a way out? "Ah, I see you have found my house, hehe" I walk into the house, my turquoise shirt looks beautiful in the light the purple design shines with power, my golden eyes glimmer. "So what's you name?" I ask nervously "My name is Toriel" She answers "You may stay her until you wish to leave, my child, now, make yourself at home"

The great tale of Fr- I mean Oliver (Not continueing)Where stories live. Discover now