Chapter Three: "This is all my fault..."

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Nell was frozen, staring straight into her daughter's eyes, unintentionally frightening her.

"Mummy, you're scaring me...what's going on?"

"Atkins... he of my professors when I was your age."

Victoria had a feeling that she knew what her mother was going to say and prayed that it wasn't true. Her voice sounded very softly.

"What...what did he do to you, Mummy?

Nell felt a lump in her throat as she tried to hold back the tears, trying to hide her weakness. She looked back at Victoria's scars, noting how they didn't take her daughter's beauty away from her. She had to tell her, maybe it would feel better to get it out of her, after all she hadn't told anybody. As she was describing this memory she took Vicky out of the bath and wrapped a towel round her gently so she didn't hurt her bruised and beaten body.

" Well...exactly what he's done to you. One night he...he kept me behind after school and...took me to his house. He forced me to, I didn't want to go. He would...beat me...he would say awful things..."


Young Nell couldn't move as she felt the whip of his hand strike her. Charles Atkins had dragged her from school to his house in Hyde Park, and kept her there all night. She was on the floor, and had so far suffered two hours of abuse. He would hit her, kick her, slap her and drag her around the house. He constantly yelled at her, he said that he was doing this because of her mother. Nell had no clue what he meant and didn't have time to think as he threw a glass at her. He was obviously very drunk as he began to slur his words, but he was very aware of what she was doing. Every time she attempted to stand, he would grab her hair and throw her to the ground. At one point, he held her up against the wall by her neck and began to kiss her, putting his other hand on her shoulder so she couldn't move. She screamed loudly but he liked it when she screamed so he kept going. Help me...she thought.

*present day*

Nell couldn't be brave much longer. Vicky watched as her mother's tears fell onto her scars, surprisingly soothing the pain.

"I'm sorry darling, it-its all my fault!"

"Mummy it isn't, I promise. Come on, let's go downstairs."

She embraced her mother tightly and felt her body sting, but she didn't care. Her mother's happiness was more important. If her mother wasn't happy, how could she be happy? Nell carried her angel downstairs as a thousand thoughts span around in her head, making her feel a little dizzy. She placed Vicky on her lap in the parlour, and she looked down, ashamed at what had happened to her heart and soul.

"I deserved it, but you? You didn't...if only I'd known!"

"Mummy you didn't deserve it at all. Nobody deserves to be treated like that. It's okay..."

Nell's sobs went quieter as she held onto her guardian angel, rubbing her back. A smile fell on her face as she began to sing.

"Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around..."

Vicky sang with her.

"Nothing's gonna harm you, mummy, not while I'm around..."

Suddenly, Sweeney and Toby emerged as they followed them downstairs. Sweeney stood behind Nell, wrapping his warm arms around her cold neck, as Toby held onto his little sister, with a fake smile painted across his face. The family sang together in perfect harmony.

"Demons will charm you with a smile for a while but in time..."

The room went silent as the fire flickered and orange beams danced across to the family, illuminating them with a soft orange cascade in the black, gloomy room. Sweeney sang the last line, leaning into Nell's ear, but making eye contact with the other two loves of his life.

"Nothing's gonna harm you...not while I'm around..."

He kissed Nell's cheek softly and buried his head into her soft silky neck, kissing it repeatedly. She was beginning to doze off.

"I think I'm going to take your mother to bed. Toby, keep an eye on your sister for me, make sure you both get to bed."

He kissed his children and picked Nell up bridal style and took her out of the parlour as she buried her head into Sweeney's chest. His chest was so warm and soothing she didn't want him to let go of her. They arrived in the bedroom. Sweeney placed her on the bed, laying her down, but she sat herself up when he sat next to her. He held her hand a little too tightly as she jumped a little. He noticed that she never showed her arms to him; she always covered them up. She had zoned out slightly, so Sweeney tried to roll her sleeve up, but it only caused her to hold onto her arm and look to the floor.
"Sweeney, please don't..."

"Nell, show me what that bastard did to you"

Eleanor knew he was a stubborn man, but a protective one and she allowed him to roll her sleeve back. Her eyes widened as she awaited his reaction.

Slowly and gradually, she allowed me to see the scars. Red marks and blue bruising were pasted all over her beautiful pale skin. How dare he hurt such an innocent creature! I traced the bruising with my finger and stroked the scars, as a drop of water fell onto her arm. I looked into her eyes; they were filled with tears.



"It's all my fault. He picked on her because of me! He remembered me! And now he's taking his frustration out on her!"

"Shhhhh it's okay,'s okay..."

He embraced her tightly, rocking her back and forth, as her crying went silent and she fell into a deep sleep in his arms. Even with half her makeup running down her face, she was still beautiful. Her put her down onto her pillow, pulling the blanket over her and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Nell..."

He slowly left the room, closing the door behind him, and came up with a plan.

Meanwhile, Toby was still nursing Victoria, and sat her down in her mother's armchair with a cup of tea, and read to her. He saw that she was nearly asleep. Now was the time to tell her. He lent in close to her, her eyes flickering open and closed, and whispered,

"No matter what happens to you, I'll always be mum's favourite...I'll make sure she forgets all about you..."

With this, Vicky's eyes bolted open as Sweeney entered, grabbing Toby's shoulder and dragging him out into the middle of Fleet Street. Toby struggled out of his father's grip, nearly falling over as Sweeney knelt down next to him, putting a razor in his hands.

"Sir, what are you doing?"

"Ahh what are WE doing? We are getting our revenge on the scum who has hurt our family!"

"I don't understand, sir."

Sweeney didn't reply to any of Toby's questions as they stomped around Fleet Street to the house of Mr Atkins. It was then that Sweeney finally spoke.

"He's gonna pay... In blood..."

//authors note// wow what a dramatic chapter! Mr Atkins hurt Nell all those years ago? What did Toby mean when he said his mother would forget about Victoria? Whats in store for Mr Atkins? What has Nell's mother got to do with the abuse of the family? Let me know what you thought of this chapter and I will write the next one soon! More Sweenett moments coming up and Vicky and Toby will be back! Byeeee :))

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