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Jesse's POV

I woke up hearing a distress call. I looked around seeing Lukas asleep, the lava nearly touching his hair. I slightly pushed him away from the lava before hearing the cry again. I ran towards it. It was coming from behind the waterfall. I walked over going around the water. There was a piglet laying beside an older piglet. I'm guessing it's his mother. Aiden was there too.

"Aiden?" I said shocked.

"Oh...Hey Jesse, where have you been?" He held a wooden sword. I looked at the piglet and it's mother, noticing she was hurt.

"Leave them alone Aiden. She has a baby."

"Oh come on Jesse. They're food. We need them for the camp." He smiled. "They would make a fine breakfast tomorrow." I pulled out my own wooden sword looking at him angrily.

"I said leave them alone Aiden."

"Or what? You'll kill me? We both know you wouldn't do that."

"Maybe not. But remember, my uncle is the counselor in this camp. I can get him to kick you out."

"You think that make's you sooo special. Don't you." He smirked. I glared at him angrily, pointing the sword at him. "Fine." He put his sword away before beginning to leave. "Just remember Jesse, you can't protect all animals. Specially those pigs." he smirked walking off. I quickly ran over to the pigs. The mother looked at me weakly before she turned into a puff of smoke leaving behind some meat. The young piglet whimpered at the pork shop left behind as if trying to figure out where his mother had gone. I picked it up carefully and dug a small hole, placing a chest to put it in and buried it, hoping no one would find it.

Lukas's POV

When I opened my eyes the next morning, I didn't see Jesse. I grew worried believing something happened to her. We were sleeping awfully close to the lava.

"Lukas!" I heard her voice. I turned around seeing Jesse and a young pig following behind her. "You're finally up."

"Hey." I walked towards her. "Yeah."

"We should get going back into camp. We didn't return yesterday and my uncle may get a bit mad at us." We began to find our way out of the large cave finding some ores along the way. When we got back it was dark and everyone was gathered around a camp fire.

"Jesse! Lukas! Where have you been?!"

"Sorry we kind of got caught in a river last night. We had to camp out."

"You two must be starving"

"We ate on the way." I told him.

"Who's that little guy?" We turned around noticing the small pig had followed us.

"Just a small pig that Aiden left orphaned." Jesse crossed her arms angrily. The small pig smiled sheepishly standing between us. Jim got in his knees causing the small pig to run to him.

"Well aren't you just a little different than the others." He cooed at it. The young pig oinked happily.

"Looks like he likes you Uncle Jim." Jesse smiled.

"Yes it would seem to be." He smiled.

"Well I'll see later." I began to leave.

"Okay. See ya!" Jesse smiled. I smiled back before heading

Jesse's POV

"You should keep him." I smiled.

"A pig in a camp?"

"He could be the camp's mascot." The young pig oinked happily.

"You like that idea don't ya." My uncle smiled. I smiled brightly at them. "You look like a Reuben. You shall be called Reuben." I decided to go and sit down with Maya and Hilary, another one of my cabin mates.

"Where have you been?" Maya asked me.

"Oh you know. Just lost in a cave trying to find more ore." I told her casually looking at her.

"With Lukas?" Hilary laughed.

"How'd you know that?" I looked at her surprised.

"Well you two were the ones missing yesterday and today."

"We ran into each other as I was being attacked by a horde of zombies."

"And Lukas came to your rescue?"

"Psh, I had those zombies under control." I lied.

"You sure did." They laughed.

Lukas's POV

I smiled seeing Jesse laugh with Maya and one of the other girls.

"Beauty ain't she?" I heard Aiden.

"Yeah." I smiled still looking towards Jesse.

"I was talking about the diamond." My eyes widened and I turned to him.

"So was I." I said nervously. "What else would I be talking about?" Fortunately for me Jim interrupted the conversation.

"Alright everyone I'd like you to meet Reuben. He shall be joining the camp." Reuben oinked happily taking a seat beside him. "Now this year's dance shall be a bit different than the ones in the past. Jesse, care to explain."

Jesse's POV

I stood up looking at everyone firmly. They were all awaiting my plan.


I shall be ending this chapter here because I honestly have no plan for the dance. I need your help my friends! Care to share a theme?

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