Bridges With Exo_Legend!!

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Your P.O.V.

"Hey guys,It's NightMare_Playz,or Ocelot_Gaming here,and today...We are doing BRIDGES MONDAY WITH...EXO_LEGEND or NetherStar_Gaming!"I exclaimed to my mic."What's going on dudes,my name is Exo_Legend,Or NetherStar_Gaming,and today we are back on the Mineplex sever,Playing BRIDGES with NightMare_Playz or Ocelot_Gaming!!!"I heard her say on the otherside of the screen.We logged onto a game,and we instantly jumped into action."Hey,what kit do you have?"I questioned Exo."Archer,You?"She replied."Miner."I say simply.


It was just me,Exo,and a guy called ChadAlan,V.S. Thediamondhunter310,InSaNiTyPlAyZ,and BudderRulz.I gripped my diamond sword,as we charged into battle.Suddenly,it said,Exo_Legend was slain by InSaNiTyPlAyZ."NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"I heard Exo scream."I WILL AVENGE YOU,FAM!!!!"I screamed."NO,SHE'S HACKING!!!!!!!!"Exo yelled."As I engaged in battle with the hacker,the guy had killed the other two,but accidentally jumped into the water.I finally killed the hacker and I ended the video,said goodbye to Exo,and continued to play.Suddenly,a private message popped up.


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