Wingzz Are Epic

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Quickly I sat down next to Rose at the Gryffindor table where she had joined Hugo and James."Albus looks like someone just died and came back to life ... Do you think he will get used to being in Slytherin ?" Rose whispered to me . "Yeah , he will be fine." doubting my own words. "Heygloub you should *chew chew * really *munch munch * try deZ wingzz *glob glob* ." James said over his wingz . Slowly , I turned back to Rose ..."So... should we try the wings?" She immediately responded "No way! It will just make James think he is all powerful wizard. Do you remember what happened last time we did what he said?" I got her point. Last time when we were five we let James choose the game we were going to play and well... he chose do what he said. After the feast I stayed close to Rose as we were lead to our new common room.Right before we left the great hall I locked eyes with Albus and he gave me a pleading look as he followed the other kids down towards the dungeons. I had heard that the Gryffindor common room was behind a painting of a fat lady but they never told me that she was somewhat fashionable. I mean, I had expected some like fat lady in some peasant's rags but, she was wearing a nice pink dress with white heels and a white headdress. "Passwerd pleese!" The fat lady said in the most royal-British accent ever. I mean she sounds like the Queen of England from that Muggle movie called "Minions". Then we entered the common room "Wow!" I heard Rose whisper next to me. (Picture of common room above)"This is amazing! Let's go see where our beds are!"I proclaimed.
Sorry this was short I wanted a picture to go with the next chapter . Hope you are enjoying this! Comments are great! I love to hear back from other writers!

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