HIs P.O.V.
I looked up to see her beautiful face, but as she seen me, her smile faded into confusion. I feel so bad, she probably doesn't know why I'm here. She probably thinks I am just some creep her parents left to baby- sit her. I want to tell her I hit her, but since she didn't respond to her parents, why would she respond to me? Maybe I'll try, I want to tell her that I didn't mean to and that my name is Harry. Well it's worth a try-
"Hello love, I know you probably can't hear me right now, but I'm Harry. I am the one who hit you with my car."
"I'll sit here with you and make you feel better as long as it takes" I continued.
I grabbed her hand as she tried to pull it away, I felt a frown across my face. She then pointed towards the chair I was sitting in a moment before, I sat in it and saw her face now has a frown to. She then pointed to where I was just standing a second ago- maybe she wants me to sit over there. I did what just that and saw a faint smile across her face.
I then grabbed her hand again and waited. Suddenly, the machines she was hooked up to started to beep over and over again signaling she was slipping away. I had to run and get the nurses and soon everyone was in the room. I still sat there in my chair, and began to cry. I will wait here as long as it took to get this beautiful girl feeling better. I will sit here and be the first one to see her beautiful blue eyes open once again.