His P.O.V.
At dinner my idiot ex showed up, I was so focused on getting her out so me and Hailey could have a nice date, that I didn't realize that Hailey left some where, out into the street alone. I can't believe she left! I have to find her, she did just get out of the hospital after all. I ran out into the street and got straight into the car. I drove about a block before I saw a mob of guys clawing at something, I had to stop, it could be Hailey. I stoppped the car only to see the men clawing at Hailey, her dress bearly on her. I was so stupid for letting her go! I then went to the huddle of people trying to get ahold of my precious Hailey and simply stated "Back off boys, this ones mine." which directed the guys towards me instead of Hailey.
"We found her first." One of the nasty men called as many others followed him with 'yeah'.
I decided to get Hailey safe I would have to put my life at risk. I did owe her one for almost killing her. I then picked up my fist and threw it straight into the one of the guys face, my guess was he was the leader. The next thing I knew I was dodging and throwing punches from left to right, I didn't dodge them all, I got multiple bruises, but it was worth it. I fought with all I had left. I threw one last punch into a guy as he fell over, I thought he was the last of my oponents, but he wasn't. A man had pulled out a gun and pointed it straight at me. Just as I closed my eyes willing to take my punishment for hurting all these men willing to lose my life for Hailey, I heard sirens, police sirens. The man then take the gun and pointed it toward his own head. As the police men got out of the car I heard the pulsing sound of a gun shot, and a big thud. The man had shot himself instead of taking his punishment.
"Woah, kid did you do all this?" The police man said putting a hand on my shoulder. I couldn't help but to let out a chuckle.
"Yeah i did," I said proudfully, "all for you, Hailey." as I walked to her body still on the floor crying and shaking. "Let's get you out of here." I said picking her up and carrying her to the car, then going back to the police and answering questions.
When I got back into the car I turned on the light, Hailey's body was nearly completely bare. I then took off my jacket and covered her body. It was cold but I didn't dare ask to take it back. The whole ride not only was Hailey crying, I was too. It has been a hard past month with the car crash, now this. I felt so bad for not notiving her leave, she probably thinks I don't care, but trust me, I would never choose any one or anything over her. I said it once and I'll say it again, I love her.
"So where do you want me to take you?" I asked trying to break the silence.
"If you don't mind, I would like to sleep at your house tonight." I smirked at her. "I didn't mean it that way! I meant, I feel safe with you around. I mean, I just want you close, don't leave my side, please." She said with so much meaning I didn't know what to say.
"I won't leave you, as long as you don't leave me." I said looking over at her for a moment and saw that she had bruises and cuts all over her face, I should have saw this coming after what happened. Even knowing she had ugly marks on her face, she was still the most beautiful girl I had ever laid my eyes on.
We soon arrived at my house. I got out and went to the other side to let her out, I quickly wrapped the jacket tight around her, covering her body. I swept her off her feet and carried her up the stairs to my apartment. I didn't dare ask her to sleep on the couch, i took her to my bedroom and gave her a large t-shirt and some gym shorts for pajamas, then grabbed my pajamas and headed to the couch. Before I could get of the door, I Heard Hailey behind my say, "No. You have to stay here with me." So I turned around letting out a sigh and headed to the bathroom to change. When I returned Hailey had already fell asleep, I then slid into the bed next to her and fell asleep.
I awoke to an empty bed, Hailey was gone. I quickly jumped up and ran through my apartment. I got to the kitchen, and sure enough Hailey was there sitting in the fridge eating the left over cookie dough. I laughed, "Well looks like you made yourself comfortable." I chuckled heading towards her.
"Do you want some you boy with messy hair?" She said with a laugh in between her words.
"Messy hair huh? You don't look so fancy yourself! Yes, I do want some." I said sitting on the floor next to the fridge. She and I where now the same hieght. She held the cookie dough up to my mouth as I toke a bite. She then took another bite. When she was giving the container back to me, she dropped it. We both went for it and bunked our heads. We both laughed, our faces closely together. When we stopped laughing, it was silent, I had a sudden urge to kiss her, and that is exactly what I did. I slowly leaned in and planted a small kiss on her lips. I then noticed that everything was now going to change. It would be different, but a good different, I wouldn't have to wait to kiss her. I would be able to let her know I love her. While I was lost in thought, Hailey planted a small kiss on my nose, pulling me straight out of my thoughts. I think I might just like this different, and i have a feeling Hailey would too. I will marrry this girl, and that is a promise.