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You remembered those words like yesturday.. When you were walking to the park and you saw those boys that would always pick on you.. But then...


You were walking down the street when you saw those boys. You stopped dead in your tracks and didnt move a muscle.. It didnt take long for them to notice you. They pointed at you and laughed calling you names

"Hey fatty you should loose some weight!" The boy with brown hair and brown eyes yelled "you wont be able to see your feet if you continie eating like the pig you are" He laughed and the others laughed with him. You could feel the tears starting to form in your eyes and you turned around and ran as fast as your 10 year old legs could carry you. They laughed and ran after you. Your vision was blurry from the tears that threatened to fall from your (e/c) eyes and.. You tripped and fell to the ground with a thud they laughed and gathered around you and started kiclimg you while calling you names...

You didnt know why.. You never really did anything to them but they hated you from the depts of their heart. Pain..pain snpped you out of your thoughts. -yep that will leave a bruise for sure- you thought. Your breathing was ragged and you waited for the next kick but instead you heard a voice.. A voice you didnt know

"Hey! Leave her alone" the voice shouted.. You could tell it was a girl

You slowly opened your (e/c) eyes and saw the boy smirk

"Oh yeah.. And what if i dont want to" He said still smirking

The girl glared at him and said "then this" she said and then her fist colided with his jaw and he was sent flying backwards and landed on the ground next to you

"Holy.." one of the boys said "lets get out of here" they announced and ran leaving the "leader" behind.

The girl smiled and extended her hand towards you "Hi im Alexa Nama and you?" (sorry if your name is Alexa just think of another name ^^) you smiled a weak smile and reached towards her hand "h-hi im (y/n)" you said and got up dusting yourself. You looked at the girl "why.. Why did you help me?" you asked "everyone hates me so.. Why do you decide to help me all of a sudden?" She smiled at you "I think that you dont deserve to be treated like this" she said still smiling.

End of flashback

7 years since that day and the both of you stuck together.. She was the only one you could trust completely

But it all came crushing down in high school

She ditched you.. Left you when you needed her the most

And the saddest thing was that she broke every promise she has ever made..

You have lost your self asteem, confidence and you were going to face the cruel worl again..

But that wont happen.. Not again..


Soooo what did ya think did ya guys like it??

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