Two best freinds find each other again and wonder if they are the same people they see to fight crime everyday "but of course not alya Adrien is way cooler than cat noir"
Ding dong* oh adrian Marinette is here, thanks mom opens door* Hi I I mean good evening Ms. Chang Hello adrian nice sweater t- hanks, the sweater had red and green stripes and a little reindeer in the middle of it. Plus it lighted up if you touched the button on the nose of the deer.
Hi mari uh hi adrian, I made you cookies really! mari you make the best ones I ever known I can't wait to have one. Marinette's surprised* Adrien blushes he he well do you want to build a snowman. Sure I love the snow , Adrian's mom comes in front of him not so fast little kitty you need your gloves she puts on the gloves*. There were a light green, thanks mom. She smiles and walks away * he opens the door for me thanks kitty uh huh? Adreien whispers surpized
Oh you must of heard my mom right. Yeah that but also because you have a jacket with a cat paw print so I guess you like cats right? Yeah I do I see you like ladybug's well yeah they are so cute she looks at Adrian's eyes*
He blushes well let's build a snowman right right adrian repeats. He smiles at her and says can we add ears to him? Huh? -mari since I like cats remember oh right adrian umm yeah I guess then she smiles at him back. Twigs cracking * did you hear that adrian? she hugs adrian scared... it was silent........ Then a cat jumps out from behind a tree and meows it's hurt adrian look it's bleeding she points at the cats leg * your right mari here kitty kitty the cat comes and adrian blushes wow mari your good with cats (*thinking*)
She so kind the kitty wasn't afraid of her. She picked him up aren't you a cute little kitty. I 'll name you cat noir. The two kids took the kitty inside his eyes were green and he was a color of a light brown allmost of a shade of black. Adrian's farther comes down from the stairs A cat! adrian put that thing down but dad he's hurt,
Adrian's mom comes in and marinette's mom What's going on here he brought a sick cat honey please tell what's going on well we found this cat he was hurt mommy. Oh adrian always so caring my little angel let's help him and get him back to health.
Oh really thank u mommy but ..but please sweetie Adrien has never had a pet before. Fine. Yay mari want to go my room I have your Christmas present there, ok let's go then. After you..
Marinette said surprised what? Ladies go first right. Right after a load of stairs* woah your room is so big yeah oh look my window is open there's snow on the floor cool. Marinette goes and makes a heart, umm Adrien says nervously he looks at the snow and has a in it. He he I I umm go to go to the bathroom yeah the bathroom Adrien squirms out, and closes the door and leans on it does she like me ? Adrien walks out* oh no! He sees marinette crying snow melted* don't worry mari it wasn't your fault it melted he holds her hand* see looks at him and blushes* I have your gift here you go it was a little box that was red with dots, how did you.. I saw you wear that coat at school *smiles* nicely thank you here's yours it was in a box that was green. Wow.. thanks mari
Adrien! Marinette!
Lets have a race mari ok ready set go!! Both come down like a flash marinette was in the lead but slipped on the wet step she fell down and hurt her self !!marinette!!
Marinette starts crying mommy it hurts I know sugar but you got to be brave a hold it ok be a brave little girl ok? Ok mom Adrien can you get marinette a ~ Band-Aid please ok mom he hurries and gets a Band-Aid and gives it to marinette he insisted on putting on the band-aid so Mari mom let him he took it out of its package and placed it slowly towards the cut she moved a little but it didn't hurt as much as before she looks at adrein while his so confident and concerned of what had happened. Thanks adrein whispers thanks kitty he smiles back with a shimmer in his eye~○•○ We sang Christmas songs and ate Christmas treats after that me and adrein got some chocolate milk and sat in front of his window, watched the snow Fall I leaned my head towards his shoulder his response he held my hand.
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" Bye for now"
It was midnight the clock dongs making it official, our parents let us open our presents.Adrein opened his first I watched his expression change to cool to extremely happy his face was so cute in a good way you know. Were only kids, it was my turn he watched me open the black and red dotted present it was a necklace with a little label that said design with your heart and on the back love adrein. Thanks I love it if hugged him back with a sweet hug.
As for his present he got a kitty Keychain that said( purrfectly cute) he giggled thanks mari, his farther gave him a toy car that was really expensive to get ,as for his mother she got him a hat that was green.
Adrein farther mentioned he had a call from this company to work for but we didn't pay much attention to those adult stuff so me and adrein went to play somewhere else. There was a door that was like a hidden one on his father's wall behind a painting.
An attic it had a cool window with a strange shape. Adrein never knew about this attic before and was surprised we went back downstairs to play. Adrein found something familiar something of what they saw upstairs it's a butterfly mari wow your so smart kitty ha ha it's that my new nickname yeah if it doesn't bother you. It's fine, Marinette! It's time to leave! Okay I am coming bye, adrein bye mari. She puts on her sweater and leaves. Adrein runs after her but she left you forgot your bracelet it had a flower on it.
Adrein went to bed later on that night he woke up of talking or arguing* buts falls asleep again. A few days later he hear more arguing .Later on wakes up strangely but can't fall asleep goes to parents room* mommy!... daddy!.. his dad or mom weren't there. He walked to his office and the light was on, dad? pushes door open* sees he's crying in his chair and asks dad are you allright?
Where's mom? Dad? Adrein go back to sleep ..but dad? I said go back to your room adrein! O-o k da- he left runing*....
Adrein hugged his teddy bear and saw marinette's present uh....